A set of secret codes for Android highscreen 2. Android secrets: hidden features worth knowing about

04.10.2022 Windows and disks

Nowadays, a lot of useful equipment and technology has been invented, which in one way or another makes it easier and helps in this modern, technological world. The once ordinary landline telephone has become almost full-fledged computer, leaving behind the main function of the phone. But, and the design and it secondary functions, are improving every year. All this is to ensure that the consumer feels as comfortable as possible and that his “little assistant” is always nearby. It contains enough functions, without which modern world not even a day will do.

Almost everyone has a gadget like a smartphone. But not everyone knows that in addition to calling, playing a game or going online to check the weather, there are also secret numbers (codes). They, one way or another, can be useful at any moment. In this article you can find several useful numbers that may be useful to the smartphone user in the future. Some codes are valid for both Android and iPhone users. But there are information numbers only for certain products.


Most codes, when re-entered, return the device to its previous state. In some cases, a cancellation code for the used function will be added to the description.

  1. *#06# — IMEI (Android/iPhone)

Using this combination you can find out the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). This feature is very useful if your mobile device has been lost or stolen. Knowing the IMEI using the provider's network, you can block your phone. The police also often check this identifier to know who previously owned this phone.

  1. *#30# — Identification number

This code will help you disable your identification number. This function is useful if the user wants to hide the number and become incognito for a while.

  1. *#*#4636#*#* — Secret menu and statistics (Android/iPhone)

By entering this number, a menu with certain statistics will open. Each device displays its own data. Here you can find out the status of Wi-Fi, battery, CPU and much more.

  1. *33*# — Call blocker. #33*pin#— disable this function (iPhon only)

Here the name itself speaks for itself. When enabled, all incoming calls are blocked.

  1. *#*#7780#*#* — (Android only)

All data, including applications, will be deleted. The phone will be clean as soon as purchased. There is no return after using this function. You should think carefully before entering this code.

  1. *2767*3855 — Complete reinstallation (Android only)

This code will cause the device to completely reinstall the firmware. Here, too, you need to weigh everything before using this function.

  1. *3370# — EFR Coding (iPhone only)

Improves speaker sound quality during calls. Using this number you will be able to hear your interlocutor better and more clearly. However, with this function, it goes huge pressure on the battery, which leads to its rapid discharge.

  1. *#*#8351#*#* - Listening to yourself (Android only)

This function allows you to listen to your voice. This will help you remember what was discussed in the last 20 calls.

  1. *#5005*7672# — Service center (iPhone only)

You can quickly find out the service center number of the provider you are using

  1. *#*#7594#*#* — Quick shutdown (Android only)

With this key combination, the smartphone will instantly turn off. Bypassing long-holding the shutdown button and the subsequent auxiliary menu

  1. *43# — Waiting for a call. #43# — Cancel this function (iPhone only)

By typing this combination, in complete chaos, the smartphone will make the situation easier. After enabling this feature, the phone will notify you of missed calls. You can also receive an incoming call with it.

  1. *#0011# — Quick service menu (Sumsung Galaxy)

Here you can find out some information about the device, as well as the service mode.

  1. *#21# Voice mail(iPhone only)

All incoming calls will be immediately forwarded to voicemail.

  1. *#31# Phone number - Hide number (Android/iPhone)

This is probably the most requested feature. When you dial this code, the number will be hidden. And the screen will display the inscription “ Unknown number».

This is just a small selection of numbers. There are many more codes available for both Android and iPhone.

Secret codes- these are certain combinations of symbols, by entering which you can get this or that information or access to some hidden functions. It is impossible to predict when and in what situation these codes may be needed, but it is better to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

So, secret codes for Android smartphones and other devices will help you find out additional or hidden information about the hardware of your mobile device, produce full reset settings and so on. You should approach their use with caution - often the changes are irreversible, and, for example, after resetting the settings to factory settings, you will have to restore them completely manually. Well, let's look at all the secret codes in order.


This code will display on the screen information about the mobile gadget, its battery, battery history, as well as device usage statistics.


The code completely resets certain settings to factory settings, including settings Google account, which is stored in the device, settings and data of the operating system and various installed applications, removes downloaded applications. System applications and programs that are immediately available out of the box, as well as data on the memory card, such as photos, videos, music, and so on, are not removed. Before resetting to factory settings, the user is asked for confirmation, so even if the code is entered incorrectly, it may not be confirmed.


Code that is used for factory formatting. This happens complete removal absolutely all files and settings, including those stored in internal memory. This secret code also reinstalls the firmware of the Android device. After its introduction, the only way to prevent unwanted consequences is to quickly remove it. battery from a mobile gadget and restore data using a computer.


Secret code to access the built-in camera of a mobile device. After entering it, access to 4 menus appears: updating the camera firmware (this action is strongly not recommended, very often choosing this option leads to errors or failure of the camera), updating the camera firmware on the memory card, obtaining basic information about current firmware cameras, history of camera firmware updates.


Code for changing the actions of pressing the “End Call” or “Enable/Disable” keys. Typically, by default, when you long press the button, a menu appears that provides a choice of actions such as switching to silent mode, airplane mode, or turning off the device. You can change the actions with a normal press to direct shutdown.


The code for calling me to copy files, with its help you can back up media data stored in the memory of your mobile device, such as photos, music tracks and so on.


Android secret code for calling the service mode, with which you can run various tests and change charging settings.


Launching the GTalk service screen.

*#*#232339#*#* or *#*#526#*#* or *#*#528#*#*

Secret codes for running WLAN tests on Android devices. To run tests, you must press the “Menu” button.


This code shows the WiFi MAC address of the mobile device.

*#*#1472365#*#* or *#*#1575#*#*

Code for running GPS device tests


Built-in Bluetooth test.


A code that displays the Bluetooth address of the mobile device.


Code for obtaining information about the firmware of PDAs, smartphones, H/W, RFCallDate.


Code for obtaining information about the firmware of smartphones or PDAs.


Display FTA SW version.


Display of FTA HW version.


Display information about the firmware of smartphones, PDA, CSC, Changelist number, built-in time.


Launch Packet Loopback.


Run the built-in LCD test.

*#*#0673#*#* or *#*#0289#*#*

Code to run the audio test.


Secret code for testing the backlight and vibration of a mobile device.


Code to display the touch screen version.


Code to run touch screen test.


Code for performing sensor checks.


Displays the RAM version.


Calibrate the screen sensor (press update).


GSM/3G band switching.

Secret codes are quite powerful tools for displaying information and performing certain actions on a smartphone, so you need to use them carefully and wisely. In general, these codes work on most mobile devices running the Android operating system.

Manufacturers of Android smartphones implement and use the engineering menu to test devices. It contains all kinds of tests and device settings that are not available to ordinary users. However, today, knowing the USSD command or downloading the application from PlayMarket, anyone can go to the engineering menu.

Why do you need a hidden engineering menu in Android?

Engineering menu (Engineering Mode) – at its core hidden application, which is used by developers for testing and installation optimal parameters mobile phone or tablet. Specialists check the operation of the sensors and, if necessary, make adjustments to the functioning of system components.

Working with technical Android menu, be careful - changing some functions leads to malfunctions of the device.

How to enter the menu

To open the menu installed by the manufacturer, activate the dial pad on your smartphone and enter one of the USSD commands presented in the table. After entering the command, the numbers will disappear from the screen, and a menu will open instead.

In the dial pad, enter a combination of numbers and symbols to enter the menu

Table: combinations for launching Engineering Mode

Device manufacturer Team
Sony *#*#7378423#*#*
Philips *#*#3338613#*#*
ZTE, Motorola *#*#4636#*#*
HTC *#*#3424#*#*
Samsung *#*#197328640#*#*
Prestigio *#*#3646633#*#*
LG 3845#*855#
Huawei *#*#2846579#*#*
Alcatel, Fly, Texet *#*#3646633#*#*
Smartphones and tablets with a MediaTek processor (most Chinese devices) *#*#54298#*#*
Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*

Video: how to work in Engineer Mode

If the code does not work and in a standard way it is not possible to start the service menu, use third party applications- You can download them on PlayMarket. Recommended programs - "Startup engineering menu MTK", Mobileuncle Tools, Shortcut Master.

The manufacturer menu does not work on some device models with Android 4.2 JellyBean (x.x.1, x.x.2), as well as on Android 5.1 Lollipop. The menu is also invalid when the Cyanogen Mod firmware is installed. In Android 4.4.2, when you reboot, changes made in the application are reset.

“Launch the MTK engineering menu”

The application allows you to open and configure the engineering menu without typing digital commands. Works correctly on MediaTek processors (MT6577, MT6589, etc.) and Android systems 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x. According to user reviews, the program successfully performs its functions, but after rebooting the smartphone, the settings made using the application are reset.

Mobileuncle Tools program

The functionality of the application is similar to the previous one, but, in addition to accessing the engineering menu, the user has the opportunity to view information about the screen, sensor and device memory, as well as update the firmware, restore the IMEI number and improve GPS. For stable operation, root rights are required.

To enter the engineering menu, select Engineer Mode

Shortcut Master utility

The Shortcut Master program is designed to work with shortcuts and system applications: creation, search, deletion. It does not have a direct function for entering the engineering menu. But with its help you can view the list of secret commands operating on your device. And by clicking on the name of the command, you will see a drop-down menu in which there will be an item “execute”. Convenient and does not require unnecessary actions.

In the program, call up the additional menu and select Secret code explorer to see a list of codes

Root rights to access the engineering menu

To get to the service menu on some versions of Android, the user must have superuser rights (root). You can obtain rights using specialized applications: Farmaroot, UniversalAndRoot, Romaster SU and others. To get Root access to your device using Farmaroot:

  1. Install and run the program. Link to Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farmaapps.filemanager&hl=ru.
  2. If the application supports installing root rights on your device, then on the screen you will see a list of possible actions, among them - “Get root”. Select this item.
  3. Choose one of the preset root methods.
  4. The program will begin installation.
  5. At the end of the procedure, you will see a message about the successful installation of root access.

Instructions for obtaining root access through the Farmaroot application

Possible problems and solutions:

  • the application closed mid-installation - restart the device and try again;
  • root rights are not installed - try installing using a different method (select a new exploit in the application).

What can be configured in the menu

The appearance of the engineering mode and the ability to adjust parameters may vary depending on the tablet or smartphone model. In the menu, users most often adjust the sound, change camera settings and use recovery mode. The parameters for adjustment and the procedure are given below. Be careful - the names of menu items may differ in different device models! You act at your own risk.

Audio: Increase volume level

If your phone does not ring loudly enough, find the Audio section in the engineering menu and go to LoudSpeaker Mode. Select Ring. For each signal level (level 1–6), change the values ​​- set the numbers in ascending order, from 120 to 200. Increase the value in the Max item. Vol - maximum 200. Press the SET button to save the settings.

Sequentially change the maximum volume values ​​for each level

Audio: Increase phone call volume

To enhance the speaker tone for conversations, in the Audio service menu section, select Normal mode and open the Sph item. Set the values ​​for signal levels (level 1–6) from 100 to 150, and the number for Max. Vol. – up to 160.

By adjusting the speaker volume, you will be able to hear your interlocutor better during a call.

To increase the sensitivity of the microphone, go to the menu Audio - Normal mode - Mic. For each level, assign the same microphone sensitivity values, for example, 200. Press the SET button, reboot and check whether the other party can hear you better.

Increased microphone sensitivity will allow the other person to hear you better

Video: adjusting sound parameters in the engineering menu

Battery: Disable unused frequencies

Smartphones quickly consume battery life running applications, maintaining cellular communications And network connections. Using the engineering menu you can increase the battery life.

Modern devices scan several GSM frequencies - 900/1800 MHz and 850/1900 MHz. In Russia there is a 900/1800 MHz pair, which means there is no need to scan the network at other frequencies. The radio signal for the second pair can be turned off, which will significantly save the charge level.

In Engineer Mode, open Band Mode. Disable unused frequencies by unchecking the corresponding items - PCS1900 and GSM850. If the device supports two SIM cards, open the SIM1 and SIM2 items one by one and perform the indicated steps in each. Press the SET button to save the settings.

Disabled frequencies save battery power

If your smartphone and SIM card operate in 3G networks, disable the networks that are not used in Russia: WCDMA-PCS 1900, WCDMA-800, WCDMA-CLR-850. Press the SET button again.

You can enable scanning of disabled networks by returning to the same menu and checking the boxes.

Camera: photo and video settings

By default, Android devices save pictures in JPEG format. Meanwhile, photographers prefer to shoot and process material in RAW to gain more editing options. The technical menu allows you to select the desired image format.

Find Camera in the menu and select Capture Type. Set the photo format to RAW and press SET. Also in the Camera menu you can increase the size of pictures, set the ISO value, enable shooting in HDR for higher photo detail, and set the frame rate for videos. After changing each parameter, remember to press SET to save the settings.

Recovery Mode

Recovery Mode(Recovery mode) - analogous to Bios on a computer, allows you to control the device without logging into the Android system. Recovery mode features:

  • resetting settings to standard;
  • firmware update;
  • access to root rights;
  • Creation backup copy OS;
  • removal of personal data from the system.

In Recovery Mode, do not perform an action if you are not sure what it will lead to. Some commands may harm the device and system.

If the settings are not saved

Users who have access to the technical menu complain that the parameters changed in it are not activated or are reset when the device is restarted.

To activate the settings after changing parameters, tap on the SET button at the bottom of the screen. If the parameters are reset after rebooting the device, try accessing the technical menu not through the application, but using a digital command.

After setting the settings, do not forget to press the SET button

Service codes for Android devices

In addition to the technical menu, secret USSD codes - combinations of numbers and symbols, which the user types by typing to perform an action, allow you to control the functionality of Android smartphones. Secret codes for different devices are given in the table.

Table: list of secret commands for Android

Manufacturer Digital Team Meaning
Codes for most manufacturers *#*#7780#*#* Rolling back settings and uninstalling user applications
*2767*3855# Firmware change, total settings rollback.
Checking wireless connections
*#*#34971539#*#* Camera details
*#*#232338#*#* View Wi-fi address
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* Activating media backup on your phone
*#*#1472365#*#* Express GPS test
*#*#0*#*#* Checking the screen
*#*#2663#*#* Viewing touchscreen information
*#*#2664#*#* Touchscreen testing
*#*#4636#*#* General device and battery data
Audio tests
*#*#7262626#*#* Checking GSM reception
*#*#0842#*#* Vibrate and display brightness test
*#*#3264#*#* RAM information
*#*#232331#*#* Testing Bluetooth Communications
*#*#8255#*#* Checking Google Talk
*#*#232337#*#* Bluetooth address information
*#*#1234#*#* Device firmware data
*#*#44336#*#* Device build date
*#06# IMEI number information
*#*#197328640#*#* Service activity test
*#*#1111#*#* Free-to-air version of programs
*#*#2222#*#* Iron number for free-to-air
*#*#0588#*#* Checking the proximity sensor
Sony (devices use the same commands) **05***# Unblocking a PUK code
Motorola *#06# IMEI
*#*#786#*#* Reverting settings to original
*#*#1234#*#* *#*#7873778#*#* Opening applications with root rights
*#*#2432546#*#* Checking for updates
*#*#2486#*#* Entering the service menu
HTC *#*#4636#*#* Service menu
##3282# EPST System Application
*#*#8255#*#* G-talk monitor
##33284# Network status
*#*#3424#*#* Functionality test
##3424# Device diagnostics
##7738# Protocol diagnostics
##8626337# Voice Coder
Samsung (generic codes are effective) ##778 (+call) Activation of EPST menu
LG (working with codes is replaced by the technical menu) 3845#*855# International devices
3845#*400# Chinese devices
5689#*990# Sprint
##228378 (+ call) Verizon Wireless
3845#*851# T-Mobile
3845#*850# AT&T

If for some reason service code didn’t work, don’t be upset - install and run the Secret Codes application (Link on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.simon.marquis.secretcodes&hl=ru).

The program will analyze the combinations active in the device and offer you a list. You can activate the combination directly in the application with one click on the name.

Share with your friends! Today Android is gaining more and more popularity, but not everyone knows that there are some Android secrets. This refers to those functions that the average user does not know about; they are not described in the instructions and are extremely difficult to find even on the Internet.

In fact, it is impossible to study absolutely all the capabilities of this operating system, so much remains beyond the attention of the user community. And some interesting functions are not known even to the developers themselves, because they turned out on their own, as a result of some other actions. In general, today we will look at the most popular, necessary and interesting functions of the Android operating system.

Increasing battery life

Many people know that to increase battery life it is necessary to disable all possible functions, programs and services. This really works, but practice shows that there is another very interesting method of saving energy. It is connected to WiFi. It is known that connecting to the Internet requires a lot of energy.

But if you put WiFi in sleep mode, you will need much less of it. The working principle of this method is unclear. In theory, everything should be the other way around - if WiFi goes into sleep mode, then less battery power will be consumed. But in practice everything is different and by some miracle it is the sleep mode that consumes many times more battery power.

It is interesting that on some sites they write exactly the opposite. So on the Internet you can find information that you need to turn on sleep mode and then less energy will be consumed. But in Android 6.0 and above, the sleep menu clearly states that enabling sleep mode will result in increased power consumption. In the case of the above sites, most likely there were unscrupulous authors.

To enable sleep mode, you must do the following:

  • Log in to WiFi. That is, just hold down the corresponding icon in the menu that appears when you swipe from above. You can also go to settings and open the “WiFi” item there.
  • Next, you need to click on “Options” in the upper right corner of the open window.

  • After this, a menu will appear in which you should select “WiFi in sleep mode.”

  • In the window that appears, check the box next to “Never”.

Actually, the window shown in Figure 3 shows that turning on sleep mode will lead to an increase in energy consumption.

Important: This instruction is shown for Android 6.0.1. In older versions you need to go to settings, then “ Wireless connections...", "WiFi", then find additional functions and already there select the “WiFi in sleep mode” item and in exactly the same way check the “Never” option.

There are a number of other tips that, as practice shows, help to significantly save battery power. They look like this:

  1. Just turn off WiFi. To do this, swipe from top to bottom and click on the WiFi icon in the drop-down menu. After this, it will become inactive, like other shortcuts in this menu.
  2. Turn off and mobile network. If it is 3G, then even if the user is not on the Internet at the moment and is not downloading anything, energy is still consumed to search for the signal source. In principle, the same situation applies to WiFi. To do this in top menu There is also a corresponding shortcut.
  3. Turn off GPS (in the top menu this item may be called “Geodata”). The fact is that the device tries to connect with satellites to determine its location, and this requires a lot of energy.
  4. Turn off the accelerometer, that is, auto-rotate the screen. There is also an item for this in the menu above. The fact is that this is a full-fledged sensor that constantly needs energy to do its job. If you can adapt to the fact that the screen will not rotate when you rotate the entire device, feel free to disable auto-rotate. For some, this option, by the way, is even more suitable.
  5. If your device is not medium IPS screen, but a good AMOLED or even SuperAMOLED display, put not bright wallpaper, preferably in dark colors. Then the screen will need less energy to display the splash screen. You can even put a different theme for guarantee.
  6. If you are in an area where the signal is very weak, switch to airplane mode or even switch to power saving mode, in which the smartphone becomes an old Nokia 3310, only with a larger display. The fact is that searching for GSM networks also requires a lot of energy, and if the signal is weak, the device will work even more “hard” to ensure an acceptable level of reception. From time to time, you can switch to full mode and send everyone messages that everything is fine with you.

Advanced volume up menu

In general, Android has more than one hidden menu, but really few users know about advanced sound settings. In fact, this operating system allows you to separately set the volume level for calls, for media files, that is, movies, music, and so on, for notifications and for system sounds. In Figure 4 you can see what the extended volume control menu looks like in one of the latest versions OS.

And to get to it, you need to go to settings, select “Sound and vibration” and click on “Volume” in the menu that opens.

Forced reboot

There are situations when your smartphone or tablet needs to be rebooted urgently. This happens when the device freezes and all the buttons simply stop working. This may be to blame incorrect operation systems (in common parlance, glitches) or viruses. In any case, there are some hidden options to force the device to reboot.

They differ depending on the model, but in total there are two options:

  1. You must simultaneously press the power button and the volume down button and hold them together for 10 seconds.
  2. In some cases, you need to press the Volume Up button and the Home button together with the Power button. After this, you also need to hold these buttons for 10 seconds.

The power button is the one that turns on your phone or tablet. In most cases it is located on the top or side. For example, in Samsung phones it can always be found on the side. On the other side there are volume up and down buttons.

The above combinations are relevant for most modern devices on the Android platform. It very rarely happens that on phones and tablets other combinations are intended for a forced reboot. In any case, there are not many buttons on the body and through trial and error you can find the desired combination.

Quickly launch Google with voice typing

Few people know that from any menu you can launch the Google search engine with one click of a button. This is done by long pressing the Home button. On most modern smartphones it is the only one on the front side of the case, so it is simply impossible to confuse it. In this search engine, the “OK Google” service immediately works, that is, voice dialing search queries. The search window is shown in Figure 6.

You can take a screenshot without additional programs

Interesting “tricks” of the Android OS are related to how to take a screenshot. Usually you have to download additional programs, like Screenshot Easy. In fact, the operating system itself allows you to take screenshots. For this, there are also special combinations of buttons that are on the case. Depending on the device model, different combinations may work. But one of the ones listed below will definitely work on your phone or tablet.

  1. You need to press the power button and volume down button at the same time. Only in this case you don’t need to hold them for 10 seconds. If it doesn’t work and the screenshot is not saved, it means there is another combination for this on your device.
  2. Long press the Home button.
  3. Long press the recent programs button. This method only works on devices with Android version less than 3.2.
  4. Pressing the Home button and the Power button at the same time.

These combinations work, in most cases, after a short press. Sometimes you will need to hold them. But you should never hold the above keys for 10 seconds. We are talking about this because in some cases the user may accidentally discover a hidden combination of a forced reboot, which was discussed above, and, accordingly, send the device to reboot.

It is also worth saying that in some cases, button combinations for taking a screenshot are indicated in the instructions for the device. But this happens very rarely, so you just have to try different combinations of buttons.

Interestingly, in some versions of Android firmware you can display the “Screenshot” shortcut in the main menu. After that, you just need to click on it to take a screenshot. We are talking about firmware such as AOKP, SlimROM and GyanogenMod.

Special codes

Now let's move on to real hacking and what is inaccessible to the average user. In fact, Android has hidden features that are revealed only after entering a special code. There is a whole set of such codes that cannot be found in any instructions or posts. To dial them, you just need to go into your phone, press the keyboard and enter required code as if it were some ordinary phone number.

Here is this set of special codes:

  • *#06# - display IMEI number, that is, the unique identification number of your device, by which it can be found if lost or stolen;
  • *#*#4636#*#* - open full information about the device (if in the settings you can see only the most basic things, then this window will display all system information, data about memory, built-in programs, battery and much more);
  • *#*#34971539#*#* - open full information about the camera installed on your phone or tablet, including information about the firmware version, as well as firmware updates;
  • *#*#8351#*#* - launching a program that begins recording what the microphone perceives during the last 20 phone calls(this is not a recording telephone conversations, but only a recording of your own voice) and records all this in the phone’s memory along with a list of dialed numbers;
  • *#*#7780#*#* - reset all settings relating to the phone itself, Google account, various applications and the applications themselves are deleted (this code does not delete data from memory cards and system applications, but it captures everything else);
  • *2767*3855# - a complete reset of everything that can be reset (after executing this code, there will be absolutely no information on the device, no files, nothing at all);
  • *#*#7594#*#* - changing the operating mode of the device's on and off button (you can make sure that when you press it, a menu with a choice of one of three options does not appear, and the device immediately turns off, goes into airplane mode, or switches to silent mode).

It is very important to think a lot before running one of these codes. All the features of Android devices described above cannot be rolled back. The only way to get everything back is to simply turn off the phone or tablet while performing a given task by removing the battery from it.

After this you will need to restore the system. To do this, you need to use special programs that are available in abundance on the Internet.

Disabling standard applications

Few people know that all pre-installed services from Google and other programs that are initially on the device can be turned off. The fact is that it is impossible to delete them, but sometimes you want to turn off some notifications or get rid of a program that is not working properly. So, to disable any standard application, you need to do the following:

  • Go to settings and select “Applications” there.

  • Open "Application Manager" there.

  • Now you need to click on some system application. For example, let's select Google Drive or simply “Disk”. Click on it and get to the menu where there are two buttons - “Stop” and “Turn off”. Click on the second one and turn off this program.

For other programs, this menu will have a “Delete” button. But such a hidden menu is only available for system applications. By the way, it is much more convenient to remove programs through additional programs like Clean Master and others like her. But, as we said above, it does not work with system applications, like all other similar utilities.

Developer Menu

There are a number of features that are only available in the developer menu. These “tricks” relate to creating an error report, setting a password Reserve copy, view all running services, enable and disable USB debugging, setting the log buffer and many other interesting features.

There you can even set the buffer size for the system event log, display a detailed log of WiFi connections with SSID and RSSI networks, select the USB configuration and enable OpenGL tracing! In general, a very powerful toolkit. And to access it, you need to go to settings, click “About device”, go to “Software information” and click on the build number 7 times.

After this, the “Developer Options” item will appear in the settings menu. It will no longer be possible to remove it somehow, although in the parameters window there is a switch next to the words “Enabled”.

In the video below you can see how the above codes are clearly used.

Some users, faced with difficulties in completing a particular game, use special cheat codes that greatly simplify game process. However, if entering on a computer does not raise any questions, then how to enter cheat codes on Android if there is simply no keyboard in the game on a smartphone or tablet?

“Cheat” (from the English cheat) is translated as “cheating,” but how fraudulent can the use of cheat codes be called? In most video games or PC games, these codes are initially built in by the developer and represent a specific set of characters. This is done in order to test the software at the development stage. For example, using a cheat code, the developer will not go through all the levels of the game to test the last one, but will immediately get to the desired level.

Another possibility that the developers did not foresee is a change in running game memory contents, as well as data storing the entire amount of information regarding the player’s progress, or save files (configuration files). This scheme is much more complicated, but it makes it possible to transform a game variable or any of its parameters. The use of such cheat codes requires the use special programs, responsible for a specific memory address containing necessary information about the character.

As a result, the player has the opportunity to use cheats on Android, for example, for weapons, “a lot of money”, “immortality” and others, giving the user the advantage of making free in-game purchases, unlocking new locations and levels, instantly leveling up the hero, etc.

How to enter a cheat code on Android

Well, if we have figured out cheat codes in general terms, then the main question of our topic remains open for now. If we use the keyboard to enter cheats, say, on a PC, then how to do it on Android devices?

Using a standard keyboard

In fact, to enter codes you can use standard keyboard, making it possible to call it directly in the game. To do this we need a document editor program Smart Office 2(you can either in Google Play), which you need to install on your device.

Now we open the game loaded into the device’s memory (in the screenshot “”, but it could be any other game), then minimize it by swiping and pressing the “ button home»:

Then we launch Smart Office 2, click " new document "and select any document format, for example, DOC. Now press the button at the bottom of the display Edit"(on tablets, for this action, press the button located at the top " Keyboard»):

After these steps, we will have a keyboard that will not retract after we close the application. All we have to do is select our game through the task manager. This can be done by long pressing the “ Home"or, as in the screenshot (smartphone Huawei Honor 5A), the rightmost button in the form of a square on the right side of the display (see above). We tap on the game and when it opens, we will see that the keyboard remains in place:

Using third-party software (GameKeyboard+)

It is possible that the method described above is not relevant for your device, in which case you can use the “GameKeyboard+” application to enter cheat codes. This is a special keyboard designed for modern Android devices for comfortable gaming control.

To use this opportunity to enter cheat codes, download and install GameKeyboard+ on your Android (the application is available for a fee). Having launched the program, we see home page and begin to act according to the presented guidelines.

The first step (click on the field step 1) select the keyboard - put a tick in the line “ Game Keyboard", a window will open in which you need to confirm the selected action (button " Yes«):

The second step ( step 2) select the input method. After we press the line with the third step ( step 3) a gamepad and other control tools will appear. Some games will require you to configure them (for example, to open the inventory in Undertale). To do this, press the button “ Usage Mode" and in the window that pops up, put a tick in the line " Edit Mode«:

To remove unnecessary buttons, click on each of them in turn, and then in the window that opens, click the “ Remove". To complete the action, tap on the line “ tap Top-Right screen corner/Vol-Up…" and in the menu that opens " Select Action"Press the button " Cancel"(in the screenshot the third fragment):

If there is a need to call only the keyboard (for example, to enter, etc.), then for some device models it is enough after the first and second steps (see screenshot 1 and 2) to press the button " Usage Mode" and check the box " Show Qwerty"(see the first fragment of the screenshot below).

After the gamepad appears, we need to press the “ Settings” (settings) and check the boxes:

  • 8-way D-Pad(8-way D-Pad).
  • Instead of the gamepad, show cl-tour by default.
  • [Vol. Up] (to call the keyboard with the “volume” button (to increase).
  • « Don't block"(for the convenience of moving the mouse pointer. If lags appear on your device, this action can be canceled).
  • « Show warning", and " Use joystick."(here checkboxes can be set by default).

Once the setup is complete, exit the Game Keyboard (the " Exit") and launch the game. If necessary, call up the keyboard to enter cheats, use the “Volume +” button:

If you need to call the gamepad, click on its image in the lower left corner of the keyboard, this action will open the on-screen cross (i.e., cursor keys), as well as the left and right mouse buttons (" buttons) A" And " IN"). To return to keyboard mode, use the " X" Pressing the back button on your smartphone will completely remove the keyboard (or gamepad).

In the settings, you can check the box to make the keyboard translucent, change the configuration and size of the gamepad.

*Note: you need to enter cheat codes slowly, strictly observing the correct case of letters, spaces and symbols.

We hope that the presented hack tools helped you in solving the question of how to enter cheats on Android. We remind you that we will be grateful if someone shares with our readers their own method, different from those described. Good luck!