I forgot my pin to unlock my Samsung phone. Perform a Hard Reset. Factory reset

25.05.2020 Windows and disks

The most common reason for a smartphone or tablet to be blocked is many attempts. incorrect input PIN code. Perhaps you forgot the code or gave the device to a friend, but he did not know about this feature of your phone and inadvertently blocked the gadget, or perhaps a child got into the device? Be that as it may, the point is the same - you need to unlock your mobile phone. What should be done for this?

What to do if you forgot your password on your phone or tablet

If you haven't forgotten your access code, enter your Google account information and your smartphone will be unlocked. However, average users mobile devices do not care about creating in advance account, so the phone or tablet’s request to enter a PIN takes them by surprise. If you forget your password, you need to do full reset systems (so-called “hard reset”). Features of the process depend on the device model. To find out exact order actions, search the Internet for instructions specifically for your model. Below is a universal procedure for resetting settings.

  • With your tablet or phone turned off, hold down the volume up button, the center button under the screen (with a house picture), and the power key for a few seconds. They need to be clamped at the same time. If your device does not have a house key, hold down only the other two.
  • The phone or tablet should vibrate, after which the logo image will appear on the screen - you can release the buttons.
  • Using the same volume up key, select the line “Wipe data/factory reset” and select the central button with a house picture or the power key (at different models devices differently).
  • You will be taken to another menu where you select “Yes – delete all user data”.
  • After activating this command, the first menu will be displayed. Reboot the operating system by clicking on the line “reboot system now” and it will unlock.

Simple ways to unlock your phone if you don't know the password

Video: how to unlock a pattern on Android

Regardless of whether it is touch or push-button telephone, gadgets with the Android system are often blocked, causing a lot of trouble to their owners. Due to their own stupidity and inattention, or due to a system failure, they cannot unlock their own device. However, this problem is completely solvable, since there are many Android-based devices. Using this video, you will learn how to quickly restore access to your smartphone or tablet.

You forgot graphic password on your Samsung Android phone? No problem! In this article we will try to explain how you can unlock a Samsung phone. Most methods require ROOT access (root access to the system). The methods below will most likely work for other brands of phones, but performance is not guaranteed.

Unlock Samsung using a Google profile added to your device

After 10 incorrect password attempts, you will be able to enter data from your Google account. There will be a “Forgot your password?” button on the screen. Click on it and enter your information Google account. Important condition: this account must be entered and synchronized on your phone. If you don't remember the data from your Google account, try restoring it through your computer and then entering it on your device. If you don’t have a button or don’t have a Google account, try the methods below.

Unlock Samsung via call. Doesn't always help

  • Pick up the phone number of your relative/friend/acquaintance.
  • Call from it to your phone.
  • Take on the challenge.
  • Without hanging up the call, press the “Home” button and reset the password in the settings.

Unlock Samsung, e if you have ROOT access and debugging is enabled

  • Download ADB.
  • Run command line to execute commands on the device on behalf of a user with administrator rights. While holding down the “Shift” button in the folder with ADB files, press the right mouse button. In the window, select “Open command window.”
  • Through USB cable connect your computer and phone.
  • Check the presence of the device using the command:

Your device should be displayed. If it is not there, install the drivers.

  • Execute the commands sequentially: adb shell # go to shell mode execution su # request root access cd /data/system # go to the directory with lock files rm locksettings.db-wal rm locksettings.db-shm rm gesture.key rm locksettings.db reboot # reboot

Another way to unlock Samsung with ROOT access and BusyBox

  • Download the file, put it in the ADB folder and open it.
  • The device should reboot. After reboot, simply unlock your phone.

The third way to unlock Samsung with ROOT access

The method is to install an application via ADB, which removes the lock from your phone.

  • Repeat steps 1 to 4 from method 3.
  • Download the file and put it in the ADB folder.
  • Run the commands sequentially: adb install sovetclub_samsung_unlock.apk adb shell am start -n com.example.myapp/com.example.myapp.MyActivity
  • Afterwards, manually reboot the device.

If all else fails. Factory reset

You will lose all your data.

  • Turn off your phone.
  • Simultaneously hold the “Home” button + volume “+” button + “Power” button until the logo appears. Navigation is carried out using the volume buttons “+” and “-“.
  • Select “wipe data/factory reset”.
  • You agree. Reboot the device.

We hope this instruction helped you. Don't forget your passwords!

Have you tried to protect the data on your phone using a numeric password or graphic key? Now you can't remember your password and use your phone? Such problems lie in wait for many - forgetting identification data, people cannot access the contents and functionality of their devices. How to unlock your phone if you forgot your password? In our review you will find the most detailed and simple instructions, allowing you to remove the password request.

Here are the main unlocking methods:

  • Flashing - a new one is uploaded to the phone software;
  • Hard Reset– reset to factory settings;
  • Programs and services from manufacturers - contain built-in unlocking tools;
  • Deleting files with passwords and keys - through the file system;
  • Holes in security systems – relevant for old pipes;
  • Through another user – for multi-user devices;
  • Password Reset Apps – great tool for many devices.

We will look at all these methods in detail and outline unlocking schemes for phones from various manufacturers.

Unlocking via Samsung Account

It's nice to know that some manufacturers take care of the users of the devices they develop by offering additional services. A typical example is Samsung company, which created the Samsung Account service. It contains the functions of remotely erasing information from smartphones and Samsung tablets, functions for remote blocking of devices, as well as functions for finding them. That is, if the lost device is not found, all important and confidential data can be easily deleted via the Internet.

How to unlock a Samsung phone if the password was safely forgotten? To do this, use the “Find My Phone” function with its sub-function “Unlock my device”. It allows you to restore the functionality of your smartphone or tablet by resetting the screen lock settings. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the service, select the “Find phone” item, make sure there is a connection with the device and click on the “Unlock my device” button. After this, a command to reset the lock settings will be sent to the smartphone/tablet.

In order to take advantage of this functionality, you must first lock your phone/tablet by allowing remote control via Samsung Account in the security settings. In addition, the locked device must be connected to the Internet.

Unlocking a password via Google account

Developers operating system Android has taken care to make it easier to restore access to smartphones and tablets if you lose your password. For this purpose, a link to a Google account is provided. It is she who will help us in the matter of restoring access to the contents and functionality of the Android device. How to unlock your phone using your Google account? If you enter the password incorrectly, your phone will be locked for a while. That is, we are given time to remember the ill-fated password.

Temporary blocking also prevents hackers from trying to guess your password. After five attempts to enter the password incorrectly, the phone will prompt us to enter the password for our Google account. We remember the password, enter it in the field that opens - the lock is lifted! Now we need to go to the security settings and reset the password, since we couldn’t remember it.

From this we can conclude that to successfully restore access to your device, you need to know and remember the password for your Google account - write it down and save it in a safe place. This place could be your phone box.

Unlocking with an additional PIN code

Let's get back to unlocking Samsung phones, since we haven't discussed another way to restore access - using an additional PIN code. It is assigned when setting the main security password and includes four digits. Here you need to enter numbers that you will definitely never forget. If you have forgotten the main password, allow several attempts to enter it incorrectly, after which you will have access to the PIN code entry form - enter the treasured numbers and restore access to your phone.

Do not specify too simple digital combinations as a PIN code - this may help attackers gain access to the data stored on your phone. Enter here, for example, the PIN code of your credit card, which only you know.

Unlock via master reset

How to unlock a password on your phone if all the above methods do not work? You can use it very simple solution– perform a reset to factory settings. The disadvantage of the technique is that all data from internal memory will be completely deleted(only the contents of the memory card will remain).

How to perform a master reset if access to the menu is blocked? To do this you need to enter the mode Recovery Mode- this is done using combinations of buttons that are pressed when the phone is turned on. What kind of combinations could these be?

  • Both volume buttons and power button;
  • Volume up button, home button and power button;
  • Volume Down button, Home button and Power button.

There are also many other button combinations that allow you to put your phone into Recovery Mode - look for the corresponding instructions on our website or on specialized forums. After entering Recovery Mode, you need to find and select “wipe data/factory reset”. Having confirmed your intentions, you will start the reboot process, resetting the device to factory settings. At the same time, the previously set password will be deleted.

If you don't want to lose important data, make it a habit to regularly create and save backup copies of your files. Cloud services are also used for this.

Unlocking your phone through flashing

This method is one of the most radical, as it allows you to completely replace the software on your phone. At the same time, the interfering blockage is removed. How to unlock a phone through flashing? To do this, you need to figure out how to flash your phone - look for suitable instructions, download firmware files and programs, charge the battery. After this, we connect the phone to the computer, launch the software, select the firmware files, and perform other operations provided for in the instructions. We start the flashing and wait for the procedure to complete - then we enjoy the absence of blocking.

Flashing phones is carried out using special software, which is selected depending on the handset manufacturer and its model. For example, to flash Samsung phones it is used Odin program– here the owners of handsets from the South Korean giant are very lucky, since the program is very easy, and even not a single person can cope with the flashing procedure advanced user.

Fly and Sony phones are flashed using the Flashtool application - it’s quite easy, but it won’t hurt to re-read the instructions once again. Chinese phones, running on MTK processors (and other handsets with these processors, for example, from MegaFon or Beeline), are flashed using the SP program Flash Tool. There is nothing complicated in it, so in most cases the flashing is successful - you just need to blindly follow the instructions, and not conduct experiments, playing with the program parameters.

Remember that flashing the phone, like resetting it to factory settings, involves complete loss of data stored in the internal memory.

Unlocking your phone through security holes

This method is relevant for owners of very old handsets, where it is very easy to bypass the protection by fraudulent means. A typical example is bypassing a block using a regular phone call. The protection breaks down like this: we call a locked phone from another phone, accept the call, while making a call, go to the settings and turn off the password request. Next, we drop the call and enjoy the unlocked phone.

This security hole is present on smartphones with operating Android system 2.2 and below.

IN modern phones there is no such thing, so you can’t really count on this method - but owners of old handsets will be incredibly happy with this method of disabling the blocking.

Another hole lies in the discharge process battery. On at a certain stage the system will notify you of a strong discharge and the need to connect charger. At this point we can click on the link to show battery usage statistics. From here we will go to settings and disable the password request. Naturally, this method does not work in modern phones, so you can’t count on it - better check out other methods that are more effective and efficient.

Unlocking your phone via SMS Bypass

Have you given your phone superuser rights and are enjoying features not available to other users? In this case, you need to take care that you may forget your password - let's try to create a workaround. To do this, we will use extremely useful application SMS Bypass. Download it, install it in your phone, go to settings and set a digital code - it will serve as the key to unlocking the handset.

How to unlock your phone with via SMS Bypass? To do this, you need to send an SMS with the text “XXXX reset” to your number - instead of XXX, enter the previously specified digital code. Having received the SMS, the phone will reboot, after which it will prompt you to enter the password again– enter arbitrary numbers and get an unlocked handset at your disposal.

To obtain root rights, use the instructions on our website or look for a more suitable solution on specialized resources and forums.

Unlocking your phone using codes

Have you forgotten your password and can't use your phone's features? We have already said that resetting the password is done by resetting to factory settings - this is done using Recovery mode Mode. But what if your phone doesn’t have this mode? Then we try another solution - if when entering a password it is possible to select a keyboard for dialing, you should dial the general reset code or exit code into engineering menu . Find the corresponding codes on specialized forums and try to use them to unlock your phone.

Do not enter commands whose purpose you do not know - such actions can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, including the complete loss of the phone’s functionality.

Unlocking your phone using Aroma manager

Are you an experienced user, and do you have root rights and custom CWM recovery on your phone? Then you can unlock the handset in one of the most advanced ways. To do this, you will need the Aroma file manager, which should be downloaded to your memory card. Next, turn off the phone and turn it on, switching to CWM, install the application, go to the system folder /data/system and delete four files there - locksettings.db-shm, locksettings.db-wal, locksetting.db and gesture.key. These files store information about set passwords and graphic keys.

This unlocking method is available only on prepared phones and only to prepared users. To obtain superuser rights and install custom recovery, use the appropriate instructions. Do not perform actions or launch programs whose purpose you do not know - this way you will protect your phone from being “bricked”.

Unlock PIN code

How to unlock your phone if you forgot your PIN code? You are given three attempts to enter the correct PIN code.. If all attempts have been exhausted, the phone will prompt you to enter a PUK code - it can be found in the connection kit or requested via help desk your operator by calling hotline. After entering the correct PUK code, the phone will unlock and prompt you to assign a new PIN code - save it somewhere safe.

You have ten attempts to enter the PUK code. If all attempts were incorrect, the SIM card will be permanently blocked - you will have to get a duplicate at the nearest communication store. No other available ways unlock the phone when forgotten PIN code No.

Unlocking phones on Windows Phone

If your phone works on Windows Phone, you can unlock it through the website of this operating system. By logging into it with your username and password, you will find in personal account linked phone and you can unlock it. This unlocking method works on Lumia handsets and handsets from other manufacturers. Another way to unlock your phone on Windows Phone is to perform a factory reset (useful if you don’t remember your account login and password).

To reset, press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons until vibration occurs. Release all buttons and press the Volume Down button again, holding it until the display shows exclamation mark. Now press the volume up, volume down, power and volume down buttons in sequence - after a while the phone will reset.

Please note that this procedure involves complete removal of all data stored on the phone - do not forget to make backup copies.

Methods for unlocking phones by brand

How to unlock a Samsung phone if you forgot your password? To restore prepared tubes, you can use Samsung service Account. If you have not prepared your phone for remote control, try getting into Recovery Mode and performing a reset. The last method is to flash the phone via Odin.

In order to unlock your phone from MTS, you can use a general reset or flashing. If your handset has root and CWM, try installing Aroma and deleting the files responsible for blocking. Many other phones, for example from ZTE, Lenovo or Fly, are unlocked in a similar way. And to unlock Nokia phone You can use the MyNokiaTool application (for computer).

In order to unlock your LG phone, you should use flashing, general reset or custom recovery with file manager Aroma. In addition, some LG smartphones assign an additional PIN code that will help you unlock the phone when forgotten password. A similar function is available in many modern smartphones from Samsung.

Most universal method Unblocking is to use a Google account - try to learn the password for your account or save it in some safe place. If none of the above helps, contact a specialist at your nearest service center.

How to unlock Samsung if you forgot your password, pattern or fingerprint? When we buy new phone Samsung, we need to install some necessary things first. As far as I know, Samsung phone provides four types of protection to people. We may use these models to protect privacy and data security. Cell phones can be called closest friends. We always use them to chat with friends, send and receive text messages, take photos, browse the Internet, etc. We have a similar article: How to Factory Reset?

We use our phones almost constantly. The phone records our lives and messages in silence. Therefore, we set a password so that other people do not look through our phone. But have you ever wondered what to do if you forgot your password? How to bypass Samsung lock, pattern, password and fingerprint to remove them and reboot the phone? How to unlock?

If you have not updated your firmware to Android Lollipop(5.0), then there are more quick way unlock screen lock pattern. (Android 4.4 and below only)

1) Enter the wrong lock screen pattern five times (shouldn't be difficult if you don't remember the correct one)

2) Select "Forgot pattern"

3) Now you can enter the PIN code Reserve copy or your Google account login.

4) Enter either your backup PIN or your Google login.

5) Your phone should now be unlocked.

How to Unlock Samsung Using Find My Mobile Tool

This is an easy way to unlock samsung device, if you have created a Samsung account and registered it in advance.

2) Sign in using your Samsung login details.

3) On the Find My Mobile account interface, you should see your registered phone on the left. This indicates that you are registered in this account.

4) From the left sidebar, select "Unlock Screen".

5) Now select “Unlock” and wait for a few seconds until the process completes.

6) You should receive a notification window that your screen is unlocked.

7) That's all. Your phone must be unlocked.

How to unlock Samsung using custom recovery?

(SD card required). This method is intended for more advanced Android users who know what the terms "rooting" and "Custom recovery" mean. As the title says, for this you will need any custom recovery and your phone must have an SD card slot.

Why SD card? Well, we need to transfer the ZIP file to your phone and this is usually not possible if it is locked. The only way is to insert an SD card with the file. Unfortunately, card slots have become something of a rarity in the smartphone world, so this will only work for some people.

Here's what you need to do:

Step 1: Connect your Samsung phone

Launch the software on your computer and select Screen Lock. Then use the USB cable to connect Samsung phone to the computer. At this point, the program interface is as shown below, click "Start".

Step 2: Enter Download Mode

Secondly, you need to manually turn on your phone to enter download mode. The specific steps are as follows:
1. Turn off your phone.

2.Press and hold Volume Down + Home + Power button at the same time.

3. Press "Volume Level" to enter download mode.

Step 3: Download the recovery package

When your Samsung phone enters download mode, the program will automatically download the recovery package, which will take you a few minutes, please wait patiently.

Step 4: Remove Samsung Lock Screen

Finally, when the recovery package download is complete, the program will begin to remove the screen lock. Please be assured that this process will not lose any of your data. Once this process is finished, you can reuse your phone without entering the password.

How to unlock Samsung using Hard reset?

See other methods below. In fact, forgetting the screen lock password on your Samsung phone is a common thing. There are many ways that will help you unlock passwords, pattern and any other PIN codes of your Samsung smartphone. However, if you really have no way to restore your phone Samsung reset pre-factory is also a good choice.

Step 1: Turn off your Samsung phone.

Step 2. Press simultaneously Home buttons, Volume Up and Power to open the recovery menu.

Step 3: Once you enter the recovery menu, use the Volume Down button to navigate, scroll to “wipe data/factory reset” and use the Power button to select.

Step 4: Scroll down to “yes - delete all user data” using the Volume Down button to confirm deleting all user data and press the Power button to select.

Note. Make sure you don't mind deleting all the data on your Samsung device, it cannot be undone.

Step 5: If everything is done, all user data including password, PIN, pattern, etc. will now be deleted from your Samsung device, please wait patiently until it is completed.

Step 6: Using the Power button, select "Reboot system now" and your Samsung phone will reboot automatically.

Once you complete the above steps, your Samsung device will now be as good as new, proceed with the setup. If this is done, you can now use your Samsung phone again. Now you can set a lock PIN, pattern, password for your phone, but please remember it.

Additionally, since all personal data has been deleted, you can restore via backup copy created by KiK, MobileTrans or another backup tool, you can now restore the backup to your Samsung phone.

Often, owners of smartphones from the South Korean brand do not know how to unlock a Samsung phone. This happens for various reasons:

  • Forgot the lock pattern.
  • All attempts to remove it have already been used.
  • Errors in the system.
  • Someone from outside (often a child) changed the access keys.
  • And many others.

Therefore, posts from desperate Samsung Galaxy owners and those who do not know how to unlock a gadget without a pattern key are increasingly appearing on the Internet.

In this article, we have collected the most common methods for solving such situations that will help you quickly restore access, and in some variations, without data loss.

Remote control

This method is suitable for those who manage applications through a Google account. This is a convenient feature that helps not only if the user has forgotten the password or pattern, but also when the equipment is stolen or lost. Allows you to remotely call a phone, erase data and leave a message that will be displayed when a stranger turns on the smart phone.

To control screens remotely, you need to go to your Google profile from your computer, select the “My devices” column and carry out the necessary actions with it.

Via Safe Mode

Safe mode is used to correct malfunctions and errors of the operating system, including changing the unlock password (or pattern).

Login as follows:

  1. With your phone turned on, you need to hold down the Power button until the Power Off option appears.
  2. This option needs to be pressed for a few seconds.
  3. A message will appear indicating that you are going to safe mode(involves disabling administrative rights). That is, after agreeing through the OK button, Samsung will start without installed applications- in its pure form.
  4. Next, you need to go to Settings and disable password login, or change it to one that you will definitely remember.
  5. The standard appearance of the operating system will return after a reboot.

Hard reset using keys

Hard reset – rollback to factory settings followed by erasing all data contained in the internal memory. If the last synchronization was with cloud storage was a long time ago, which means there is a risk of losing contacts, media and achievements in different applications.

As a rule, a hard reset is initiated from Settings, but in case of urgent need it can be performed using buttons - by holding down a certain combination of them.

To do this you need:

  1. Turn off your smartphone.
  2. Simultaneously hold down the volume rocker, Home and Power buttons. Some new models do not have a key that returns to the desktop, then all the others are pressed.
  3. The power button must be released as soon as the company logo appears on the display, the rest must be held for another 15 seconds.
  4. If done correctly, the message “Recovery” should appear on the screen.
  5. Next, use the volume rocker to select Factory Reset.
  6. The selection is confirmed with the power key.
  7. Once all data is erased, select Reboot System Now to reboot the Samsung.

Flashing from a computer

It is better to trust flashing to a qualified technician from a service center. Independent manipulations can burn out internal parts, the OS can work crookedly, or the gadget will turn into a lifeless “brick” without the possibility of recovery.

However, those who are willing to take the risk should use a special computer program - Odin. Flashing, like restoring to factory state, will delete all information stored on the phone.

A detailed guide to the firmware can be found on the website of the developer of the Odin utility, and carry out the procedure at your own peril and risk.

There are many nuances in working with this software that cannot be covered in this subsection.

Through the Internet

Now let's take a closer look at all the unlocking options if you have access to the Internet and another working gadget (preferably a PC).

Using a Google account

We have already looked at this method superficially, but let’s remember it again and analyze it in more detail. Necessary conditions for fulfillment:

  • The gadget must be turned on.
  • Your Google profile must be active and linked.
  • The device is connected to data transmission.
  • Geolocation works on it (most often it is enabled by default).

Detailed instructions for erasing data via Google profile:

  1. Follow the link https://android.com/find and log in using your linked account.
  2. If this account controls several gadgets, top corner select the required phone model.
  3. On the side you will see a list available functions: Ring, Block, Clear. We'll need the last one.
  4. Select it and wait for the operation to complete.
  5. The phone's memory will be completely formatted, leaving only the information on removable media.
  6. After this, the equipment can be used again.

Note! After wiping your smartphone, it will disappear from the location map and you will lose the ability to control it remotely. The next time you log in to the same account from a formatted device, it will again appear in the list of available ones.

Special programs

Row special programs will also help you unlock your Samsung phone screen. We will look at the two most popular and repeatedly tested by users.


The Dr.Fone application has more than once helped owners of Android smartphones restore access after an unsuccessful lock or system error.

First you need to launch the program and go to the “Additional tools” tab. There you need to select the “Delete” subsection Android screens Lock."

With it, you can delete any information, including contacts and passwords. Simply connect your smartphone and press the Start button.

Everything happens in the following sequence:

  1. The smart device is connected to the computer via a cable.
  2. Switches to download mode by successive key presses.
  3. In Dr.Fone, select the required recovery package.
  4. The equipment returns to operating mode and no longer requires a password.

Samsung Find my mobile

This service will help you quickly and safely unlock Samsung Galaxy without deleting data or rolling back to factory settings.

  1. To get started, go to https://findmymobile.samsung.com/?p=ru
  2. Next, enter the address Email and the password for your Samsung account (if you have one. Otherwise, this method will not work).
  3. A list of linked gadgets should appear on the left. You need to select the one you need.
  4. In the list of available functions, tap on “More”, and then select “Unlock my device”.


These methods most often help restore access to a locked smartphone. These useful tips will help in situations when you need to unlock the gadget in an emergency.
