Message personal computer as a system. What is a computer and how does it work. Personal computer as a system

29.10.2019 Windows and disks

Personal computer as a system

One of the objects discussed in computer science lessons, is a personal computer. It can be considered as a system consisting of subsystems “hardware”, “software”, “ informational resources» (Fig. 1.20).

The hardware subsystem acts as a supersystem for input, processing, storage and output devices.

operating system- software subsystem and supersystem, which includes system and utility programs.

Information resource system includes text and graphic files, sound files, video files, etc.

Personal Computer is part of the human-computer system. The means that provide interconnection between the objects of this system are called an interface. There are hardware, software, hardware-software and user interfaces.

Hardware interface- interaction between computer devices; provided by the manufacturers of this equipment.

Software interface- interaction (compatibility) of programs with each other, as well as software and information resources; provided by software developers.

Hardware-software and user interface provided by the computer operating system.

Hardware-software interface- interaction between computer hardware and software.

User interface- human-computer interaction. The menu-based user interface offers the ability to select a control command from a menu (list of commands). In GUI computer objects are represented by small pictures (icons). Select the desired icon using the mouse. In addition to icons, texts (for tooltips) and menus (for selecting commands) are also used. The three-dimensional interface allows navigation in three-dimensional computer space. By pointing the mouse at the door of the virtual museum, you can enter it. In the virtual hall you can look around, approach any painting and examine it in more detail. This interface replicates the real world.

Briefly about the main thing

Personal Computer- a system that includes subsystems of hardware, software and information resources.

Personal Computer- subsystem of the “human-computer” system. The means that provide interconnection between the objects of this system are called an interface.

User interface- human-computer interaction. It is provided by the operating system.

Questions and tasks

1. Which systems include the “computer” subsystem? For which systems is a computer a supersystem?

2. Name the supersystem for the “printer” object. What is the relationship between the objects “printer” and “inkjet printer”?

3. What is an interface? List the types of interface.

4. What do you know about user interface?

5. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase: “Operating room Windows system provides the same user interface when working with different objects"?

6. Specify the inputs and outputs for the computer system.

Test No. 1
on the topic “Objects and systems”

Part A

A1. Finish the sentence: “Any part of the surrounding reality, perceived by a person as a single whole, is called...”
1. concept
2. object
3. subject
4. system

A2. Note single object names:
1. car
2. birch
3. Moscow
4. Baikal
5. Pushkin A.S.
6. operating system
7. keyboard trainer
8.Windows XP

A3. Mark objects operating system:
1. desktop
2. window
3. folder
4. file
5. computer

A4. Mark the signs that may be indicated in the message about the object:
1. properties
2. sizes
3. behavior
4. condition
5. Actions

A5. Specify the relationship for the “processor and system unit” pair:
1. is an element of the set
2. included
3. is a variety
4. is the reason

A6. Check out the natural systems:
1. Solar system
2. football team
3. plant
4. computer
5. car
6. mathematical language

A7. Specify the subsystems included in the system " Hardware personal computer":
1. information input devices
2. storage devices
3. operating system
4. application programs

Part B

1. Fill in the table with the following words: thunder, PC work, disk drive, monitor, lightning, drawing, printer, text printing.

2. Give the most specific common name to each group of objects
a) Cuba, Haiti, Chile, Peru
b) Nile, Congo, Danube, Rhine
c) Joystick, scanner, mouse, keyboard, light pen.

3. For the properties of each of the objects below, indicate the name (value) and value

4. Make a diagram of the varieties:

Printer, optical, laser, inkjet, monitor, matrix, raster, liquid crystal (LCD), mouse, ballpoint, PC devices.

What is a computer. A computer, as its name suggests (in English the word computer came from the word compute– count, calculate) – This computing device . In fact, the computer can’t do anything else except count, count a lot and quickly. Various peripheral output devices, such as a monitor, printer, audio equipment, webcam, etc. they are simply capable of converting the results of these calculations in different ways into signals we can understand. Various input devices (keyboards, pointing devices, tablets, etc.) are engaged in the inverse task: transformation external influences into computer-readable sets of commands and data. What a computer simply cannot exist without is a central processor and a storage device (computer memory). The first one can count, and the second one can store source data and calculation results. The computer performs calculations according to a program pre-installed in it. People write programs, but the computer's job is to execute them. We’ll talk about this in a little more detail at the end of the material, but now briefly about the form in which a computer perceives information.

Part 1. Features of presenting information on a computer

The smallest unit of information for a computer is one bit., which can take two values. One of the values ​​is considered equal to 1, and the other 0. At the hardware level (computer hardware), a unit of information is represented by triggers - a class of electronic devices that have the ability to remain in one of two states for a long time. The output voltage of such electronic devices can have two values, one of which is associated with zero and the other with one. If only semiconductors could be used to easily and efficiently create electronic devices, capable of being, for example, in three or four states for a long time, then a bit would then be considered a unit of information that takes three or more different meanings. Since modern computers are built on the basis of triggers, they use a binary number system.

What is a number system. A number system is a way of representing numerical information, determined by a set of symbols. We are familiar with the decimal number system, represented by a set of numbers from 0 to 9. A computer needs two characters to represent information: 0 and 1. Why this is so - I tried to answer a little higher when I described the nature of triggers - the hardware basis of modern computers. How are numbers represented in various systems I will show numbers using the example of decimal, binary and hexadecimal systems. The latter is widely used in low-level programming because it is more compact than binary, and numbers presented in hexadecimal can be easily converted to 2nd and vice versa.

Decimal number system “SI10”: (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). Binary number system “SI2”: (0,1) Hexadecimal number system “SI16”: (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E, F) (symbols A, B, C, D, E and F are used to represent the numbers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15)

So, an example: let's look at how the number 100 is represented using these systems.

“SI10”: 100= 1*100 +0*10+0*1 “SI2” : 01100100=0*128+ 1*64 +1*32 +0*16+0*8+1*4 +0*2+0*1 “SI16”: 64=6*16+4*1

It's all different positional number systems with different basis. Positional number systems are those systems in which the contribution to total amount from each digit is determined not only by the value of this digit, but also by its position. Example Not The positional number system is the Roman system with its L,X,V,I. We find that the value of the number, which is denoted in positional system notation with a specific base is calculated as follows:

N=D 0 *B 0 +D 1 *B 1 +…+D n-1 *B n-1 +D n *B n, where D i is the value of the digit on i-th place, starting from 0, and B is the base of the number system. Don't forget that B 0 =1.

How to convert a number from hexadecimal to binary and vice versa. It’s simple, convert each digit in the hexadecimal system into 4 digits of the binary system and write the result sequentially, either from left to right or from right to left. On the contrary: you break binary number on tetrads(4 digits strictly from right to left) and replace each tetrad separately with one of the symbols of the hexadecimal number system. If the last tetrad turns out to be incomplete, complete it with zeros on the left. Example:

1010111100110 -> 0001(1).0101(5).1110(14).0110(6) -> 15E6

In order to quickly multiply or divide a number by the base of the number system, simply shift all the digits to the left (multiplication) and to the right (division). Multiplication by 2 in the binary number system is called shift left(0 is added at the end), and integer division by 2 is shift to the right(the last character is removed). Example:

11011(27) > 1101(13)

Computer Information Units. We have figured out the minimum unit of information in computer technology - this is a bit. But the minimum addressable set of information is not a beat, but byte– a set of information represented by 8 bits and, as a result, capable of storing 256 (2 8) different values. What means minimum addressable set of information? This means that the entire computer memory is divided into sections, each of which has its own address (sequence number). The minimum size of such a section is a byte. I am, of course, simplifying the picture, but for now this idea is sufficient. Why 8 bits? This happened historically, and for the first time 8-bit (byte) addressing was used in computers IBM company. They probably found it convenient that a unit of information can be easily represented by exactly two characters of the hexadecimal number system. Now let’s dispel the myths about the amount of data denoted by almost everyone with familiar words. kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte etc.

1 kilobyte (kb) = 2 10 bytes = 1024, not 1000 bytes. 1 megabyte (MB) = 2 20 bytes = 1048576 bytes = 1024 kilobytes, not 1000,000 bytes. 1 gigabyte (GB) = 2 30 bytes, 1 terabyte (TB) = 2 40 bytes, etc.

Part 2. Computer structure

How does a computer work?. Or What does computer consist of. The further narrative will be structured as follows. The description of the computer device will be presented at various levels. At the first level I will outline the main components of a modern computer, at the second and subsequent levels I will describe each part in more detail. For quick search Use the following navigation for the information you need.

Level 1. General computer structure

System unit

The computer system unit is the same box from which the power cord sticks out, to which the monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer are connected, and into which CDs, flash drives and other devices are inserted. external devices. We can say that all devices that are connected to the system unit from the outside are peripheral devices– performing secondary computer tasks. Well, the system unit itself contains all the most valuable and necessary things: the power supply, the system motherboard and the central processing unit (CPU) - the “brains” of the computer. And also, modules for controlling peripheral devices (controllers), video and sound cards, a network card and modem, transport routes for transmitting information (buses) and much more useful. However, all this is primarily true for households and office computers. For example, looking at a laptop, it is difficult to say where its system unit ends and peripherals. All this division is arbitrary, especially since there are also communicators, tablet computers and other portable computing devices.

This category includes all devices that allow you to enter information into a computer. For example, keyboard, mouse, joystick, web camera and touch screen allow a person to do this, and a CD reader or memory card reader simply reads information from external media automatically. Input devices often include only means for human input of information, while all others are called external storage media drives.

These are devices that are designed to display the results of computer calculations. The monitor displays information graphically in electronic format, the printer does almost the same thing, but on paper, and the audio system reproduces information in the form of sounds. All these are means feedback with a person in response to their input of information through input devices.

Other devices

This category includes any devices connected to a computer, from flash cards and portable hard drives, to modems (including wi-fi), routers, etc. Classifying devices is a thankless task, since it can be done in completely different ways, and you can always be right. For example, a built-in modem is difficult to classify as a peripheral device, although external modem performs exactly the same functions. A modem is a device for organizing communication between computers, and it does not matter where it is located. The same can be said about network card. A hard drive is, first of all, a non-volatile storage device that can be either internal or external. The above classification of computer equipment is based primarily on the physical location of a particular device in a classic personal computer and only then on its purpose. This is just one way of classification and nothing more.

Level 2. Contents of the system unit of a modern computer

First, a few words about computer speed. This property is characterized by the clock speed and performance of the system. The higher they are, the faster the computer works, but these are not synonyms. Performance of any system component is the number of elementary operations it performs per second. Clock frequency– this is the frequency of synchronizing pulses supplied to the system input by the clock pulse generator, which, in turn, determines the number of executions sequentially operations per unit of time. But productivity can be increased by providing the ability to perform basic operations parallel at the same clock speed, as exemplified by multi-core CPU architectures. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate not only the clock speed at which the processor operates, but also its architecture.

Now about the computer components. With the case and power supply, I think everything is clear and without comment. System motherboard and central processor- This is the heart of the computer and they are the ones who manage the computing processes. A more detailed story about them below. Tires is a means of transmitting information between various computer devices. Tires are divided into control bus, which transmit command codes; address buses, which, as their name suggests, serve to pass the address of a set of arguments defined by the command context or the address where the result should be placed; And data buses, which directly transmit the data itself - arguments and results of command execution. Controllers- These are microprocessor devices designed to control hard drives, external storage media drives and other types of devices. Controllers are intermediaries between the central processor infrastructure and specific device connected to the computer. HDD is a non-volatile information storage device. Non-volatility of a storage device is its ability not to lose information after a power outage. In addition to user data, HDD contains program code operating system, including drivers various devices. Device driver is a program that controls its controller. Operating system, for example Microsoft Windows, controls all devices through drivers that have a software interface that is understandable to it. Drivers are usually developed by computer component suppliers separately for each type of operating system. Also, the system unit cannot do without a cooling system and a control panel that allows you to turn the computer on and off.

Level 3. How a computer works

How data is represented on a computer. All data for a computer is a set of numbers. How are positive ones stored? whole numbers, I told you at the very beginning. Data, which can be either positive or negative, stores the sign (0-plus, 1-minus) in the first bit (1st bit). About storage features real numbers I won’t go into detail, but you should know that real numbers are represented on the computer using mantissa And exhibitors. The mantissa is a proper fraction (the numerator is less than the denominator) in which the first decimal place is greater than zero (in the binary system, this means that the first decimal place is 1). The value of real numbers is calculated by the formula D=m*2 q, where m is the mantissa, and q is the exponent equal to log 2 (D/m). In memory, the computer stores not the mantissa itself, but its significant part - the decimal places. The more digits (bits) allocated for the mantissa, the higher the accuracy of the representation of real data. Example:

The number PI in the decimal number system looks something like this: PI=3.1415926535... Let's reduce the number to the form of a proper fraction multiplied by 10 to the appropriate power: PI=3.1415926535 = 0.31415926535*10 1 =m*10 q, where m =0.31415926535, q=1.

Thus, we represented a real number as two integers, since to store the mantissa it is enough to store only the decimal places (31415926535). It must be taken into account that both the mantissa and the exponent can be both positive and negative numbers. If the number is negative, then the mantissa is negative. If the number is less than one tenth, then the exponent is negative (in the decimal system). In the binary number system, the exponent is negative if the number is less than 0.5. Now let's try to do the same in the binary number system.

Let's round the original number a little: PI 10 = 3.1415 = 3 + 0.1415 So, 3 in the binary system is 11. Now let's deal with the fractional part. 0.1415= 0 *0.5+0 *0.25+1 *0.125+…= 0 *2 -1 +0 *2 -2 +1 *2 -3 +... As a result, we get approximately the following: PI 2 =11.001001000011=0.11001001000011*2 2 =m*2 q, where m=0.11001001000011, and q=2.

Now it should become clear what I meant by the accuracy of the representation of real numbers. 14 digits were spent on the mantissa, and for the number PI it was possible to save only a few decimal places (in the decimal number system). Also, when working on a computer, you may encounter the following form of writing a number:

6.6725E-11 This is nothing more than 6.6725*10 -11 Text is a sequence of characters, and each character has its own numeric code. There are several text encodings. The most well-known and widely used text encodings are ASCII and UNICODE. Graphic arts is a sequence of dots, each of which corresponds to a specific color. Each color is represented by 3 integers: the components of red (red), green (green) and blue (blue) colors of the RGB palette. The more digits allocated for color storage, the greater the range of colors you can operate. Video is just a sequence of static frames. There are video compression technologies that, for example, store individual sections of video as one frame and a sequence of deltas - the differences between subsequent frames and the previous one. Provided that adjacent frames do not differ in absolutely all points (for example, animation), this approach allows you to save on the total amount of material. Sound is a signal that can be converted from an analogue representation to a digital one through sampling and quantization (digitization). Naturally, digitization will lead to a loss of quality, but that is the price of digital sound.

How the calculation process is organized. Motherboard- This printed circuit board, on which it is installed CPU (CPU). Also, through special connectors, RAM modules, a video card, sound card and other devices. The motherboard is an aggregating link in the architecture of a modern computer. The motherboard is equipped system controller (north bridge), providing communication between the central processor and RAM and graphics controller, as well as peripheral controller (south bridge), responsible for communication with peripheral device controllers and read-only storage. The North and South Bridges together form chipset motherboard - her basic set microcircuits RAM or random access memory ( RAM) is a volatile computer memory that stores the executable program and the program data itself. The amount of RAM affects the performance of the computer, since it is the RAM that determines the amount of information processed at any given time. Read Only Memory (ROM) is energy Not dependent computer memory, which stores the most important information for it, including the computer's initial boot program (before loading the operating system) - BIOS(basic input/output system - basic input/output system). ROM data is usually written by the motherboard manufacturer. Video card is an independent board with its own processor and its own RAM (video memory), designed for quick conversion graphic information into a form that can be directly displayed on the screen. The video card processor is optimized for working with graphics, including processing 3D graphics. Thus, the video card processor relieves the central processor from this type of work. The higher the amount of video memory, the faster and more often the computer is able to update data on the screen, and the wider the range of colors that can be used. A central processing unit (CPU) may consist of several processors, each of which is capable of executing its own program in parallel with the others. Previously, processor and processor core were synonymous. Nowadays, a CPU can consist of several processors, and each processor can consist of several cores. Core microprocessor is arithmetic logic unit (ALU), core controller and set system registers. The ALU, as its name suggests, can perform operations on numbers loaded into registers. A set of registers is used to store the address of the current command (commands are stored in RAM, and the IP (Instruction Pointer) register points to the current command), addresses of the data loaded to execute the command, and the data itself, including the result of the command. The kernel, in fact, controls this entire process, executing low-level processor commands. Such instructions include loading data into registers, performing arithmetic operations, comparing the values ​​of two registers, moving to the next instruction, etc. The microprocessor itself communicates with the RAM through the RAM controller. Although the access time to RAM is much shorter than, for example, the time to access information on a hard drive, this time still becomes noticeable during intensive calculations. To organize the storage of data, the access time of which should be minimal, ultra-random access memory (cache memory) is used.

Who or what controls the calculation process. The calculation process, as I said at the beginning, is controlled by computer program. Programs are written in various programming languages ​​and most often in . The main high level ones are: declaration of variables various types, performing arithmetic and logical operations, conditional statements and cycles. A person programming in a high-level language does not need to think about how the information he processes is represented in the computer. All calculations are mainly described in the decimal number system familiar to him. The programmer defines it in the form in which it is convenient for him. He has at his disposal a serious arsenal of ready-made software components, solutions and programming technologies: organizational tools, services for working with, etc. and so on. Further, special programs, called compilers, translate program text into machine code - into a command language that is understandable central processor computer. You can, for example, see what a program looks like in a high-level programming language on the pages of this site, and what a program looks like in a language low level, close to machine code (), see below (this program just displays the message “Hello, world”).

386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib .data msg db "Hello, world", 13, 10 len equ $-msg .data?

written dd? .code start: push -11 call GetStdHandle push 0 push OFFSET written push len push OFFSET msg push eax call WriteFile push 0 call ExitProcess end start One statement in a high-level language is transformed into tens or even hundreds of lines of machine code, but since this happens automatically, there is no need to worry about this. At the moment the program is launched, the operating system allocates a separate one for it, loads the machine code into RAM

, initializes the registers (the address of the very first instruction is placed in the IP register), and the computing process begins. I believe that within the framework of this material the story is about how it works modern computer

, you can finish. Now you know in general terms what it consists of and how it works, and you can easily find the details on the Internet.

Lesson No. 7. In 7th grade

Topic: “Personal computer as a system. Objects and systems"



    consolidate schoolchildren’s ideas about systems of objects;

    give an idea of ​​the PC as a system;

test your knowledge on the topic “objects and systems”


develop logical thinking, memory, attention, ability to compare and analyze, ability;

apply the acquired knowledge and skills when performing practical exercises:


to form a set of universal educational actions that ensure the ability to learn, i.e.

    process information;

    to form the information culture of schoolchildren;

    form a deeper understanding of object systems and their features;

form ideological positions;





, computer

    Lesson type:

explanatory and demonstration

    During the classes

Organizing time

    Checking those present in the lesson, preparing students for the lesson.

    Checking homework

    Textbook: §1.7.

    Workbook: visual check of assignment completion: p. 25-26 No. 41.42

    Repetition of past material

    Give the concept of “Black box”

Give an example of interaction between the system and the environment. Specify inputs and outputs


Learning new material

Let us remember: a system is a whole consisting of parts interconnected. The parts that make up a system are called its elements, i.e. A PC consists of certain parts with the help of which it can perform certain actions, namely, work efficiently with information.

If we look at a PC system, we can distinguish 3 subsystems in it: hardware, software, information resources. OS is the most main program PC.

Application programs – creating images, texts, videos.

Instrumental software – development of other programs that will fulfill our requirements.

A PC is part of the “Man - PC” system; in order for a person to work normally on a PC, to be able to understand it, there must be means that ensure the relationship between the objects of the system - this is an object - a person, an object - a PC.The means that ensure the relationship between a person and a computer is an interface.

The interface can be divided into 4 groups.

If the PC showed us the information that it sees itself, i.e. 101000, we would not understand anything. Thanks to the fact that there are operating systems that convert 101100 into the form we are familiar with, we can work normally on a PC.

    Summarizing new material PC – system – including subsystems of hardware, software and information resources.

PC is a subsystem of the “man-computer” system.

The means that provide interconnection between the objects of this system are called an interface.

User interface is the interaction between human and computer.

    Consolidating new material

Workbook: p. 35 No. 48


Evaluation criteria:

1-3 –(0-49%) - 2

4 – (50-70%) - 3

5 - (71-85%) - 4

6-7 - (86 – 100%) – 5

Part 2:

Test 1

Option 1.

1. Finish the sentence: “Any part of the surrounding reality, perceived by a person as a single whole, is called...”





2. Mark single object names:





    Pushkin A.S.

    operating system

    keyboard trainer

    Windows XP

3. Mark operating system objects:











5. Specify the relationship for the “processor and system unit” pair:

    is an element of the set

    included in

    is a variety

    is the reason

6. Mark the natural systems:

    solar system

    football team




    mathematical language

7. Specify the subsystems included in the “Personal Computer Hardware” system:

    input devices

    operating system

    application programs

Option 2.

Complete the sentence: “A whole consisting of interconnected parts is called...”





2. Mark common names objects:





    Pushkin A.S.

    operating system

    keyboard trainer

    Windows XP

3. Label the classroom objects:






4. Mark the signs that may be indicated in the message about the object:






5. Specify the relationship for the pair " graphics editor and MS Paint":

    is an element of the set

    included in

    is a variety

    is the reason

6. Mark technical systems:

    solar system

    football team




    mathematical language

7. Specify the subsystems included in the “Personal Computer Software” system:

    input devices

    storage devices

    operating system

    application programs

    Summing up the lesson

Report grades to students and summarize the lesson.

    Homework Textbook: Read §1.8. Workbook: p.36 No. 50


Item :

Computer science


Lesson topic :

Personal computer as a system

The purpose of the lesson:

1) expand and generalize schoolchildren’s ideas about systems of objects;

2) give an idea of ​​a personal computer as a system;

3) master new techniques for creating graphic objects.

, computer

Lesson on learning new material

Means to achieve the goal:

Using technology for developing critical thinking in the lesson, using active notes to navigate students’ actions

Planned results :




Students will learn:

    Introduce about a personal computer as a system, supersystems and subsystems of a PC;

    name the main devices of a personal computer and their current characteristics;

    Analyze surrounding objects from the point of view of a systematic approach;

    Understand the purposes of the main devices of a personal computer;

    Understand the role of the computer in the life of a modern person,

    Understand the implications of computer skills for school and life;

    Understand the need to use a systematic approach in life.

Lesson problem:

Students have difficulty in

The main idea of ​​the lesson:

Basic concepts taught in class

System, supersystem, interface.

Type of ICT tools used in the lesson

PC, multimedia projector, multimedia presentation

Educational Internet resources


1. STAGE – CHALLENGE Main tasks of the stage:

1. Updating existing knowledge and methods of action;

2. Arousing interest in obtaining new information;

3. The student sets his own learning goals

Teacher activities

1. Teacher's introduction

1. Since this topic completes the “Objects and Systems” section, a test work is carried out at the beginning of the lesson for 5-7 minutes.

2. Work on formulating the lesson problem.


1. P List the main devices of a computer.

2. What additional (peripheral) devices can be connected to the computer?

3. What data can be processed using a computer and what is needed for this?

4. What is the system effect when operating a PC?


A computer is a complex object consisting of many devices; programs are required for its operation, which means it can be considered ------

Hence the topic of our lesson:

State the objectives of the lesson:

To know



Student activities

1. Students take the test, check it, give points.

2. Formulation of the lesson problem:

Students answer the teacher's questions:

1. System unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse, processor and memory;

2. Printer, video camera, projector, scanner and other devices;

3. You can process numerical, graphic, text and multimedia data using programs;

4. Each part or program individually does not have the same property that the entire “personal computer” system has, namely, to work and process information.

As a system;

Lesson topic " Personal computer as a system"

Students formulate goals:

- How does a personal computer system work?

- identify PC supersystems and subsystems

- What is an interface and what are its types?

2. STAGE Problematic explanation of new knowledge

stage task: Active work with various sources of information: active notes, textbooks, Internet materials, aimed at solving the problem of the lesson.

Teacher activities

    How a personal computer functions as a system, let’s find out what in a PC serves as a supersystem and what as a subsystem.

    Chat with the textbook. Find out what an interface is and what its types are. Do the exercise.

    Complete the task on your computer:

Student activities


    Read the textbook on p. 40-41, perform № 71 , explain the task, check their answers with the correct template for filling out the diagram, assign points.

    Etc. No. 5 Task No. 6

3. STAGE Reflection

The stage of reflection (thinking) allows students to consolidate new knowledge and rebuild their primary understanding of the material being studied. Thus, there is a holistic comprehension and “appropriation” of new knowledge, the formation of one’s own attitude towards the material being studied.

Teacher activities

Was it easy for you or were there difficulties?

What did you do best and without mistakes?

Which task was the most interesting and why?

Were you able to achieve the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson?

How would you rate your work?

Questions for consolidation.

What devices are included? system unit?

What processor characteristics do you know?

What's happened clock frequency?

What is the processor bit size?

What is the difference between RAM and external memory.

Why hard disks called "Winchesters"?

Grade – average score for all tasks in the lesson

Student activities

4. STAGE Homework. Textbook: §6 RT: No. 69, 73

Lesson No. 6. Personal computer as a system

consolidate schoolchildren’s ideas about systems of objects;
give an idea of ​​the PC as a system;
test your knowledge on the topic “objects and systems”
develop logical thinking, memory, attention, ability to compare and analyze, ability

apply the acquired knowledge and skills when performing practical exercises;
to form a set of universal educational actions that ensure the ability to learn, i.e.
process information;
to form the information culture of schoolchildren;
form a deeper understanding of object systems and their features;
form ideological positions;

multimedia projector, computer
Lesson type:

explanatory and demonstration
During the classes
1. Organizational moment
Checking those present in the lesson, preparing students for the lesson.
2. Checking homework
1. Textbook: §1.7.
2. Workbook: visual check of assignment completion: p. 2526 No. 41.42
3. Repetition of past material
1. Give the concept of “Black box”
2. Give an example of interaction between the system and the environment. Specify inputs and outputs

7th grade________6th lesson ______ Personal computer as a system Lesson date__________
4. Learning new material
One of the objects that, you and I
we look at it in computer science lessons -
This is a PC, so today we will look at
PC as a system.
Let's remember:
the system is a whole
consisting of parts that are interconnected
between themselves.
system are called its elements, i.e.
A PC consists of certain parts, with
with which he can perform
some actions
work with information efficiently.
If we look at the PC system then
we can distinguish 3 subsystems in it:
hardware, software,
informational resources. OS is the most
main PC program.
Application programs - creation
images, texts, videos.
Tools – development
other programs
to be
fulfill our requirements.
The PC is part of the "Man" system
pc", so that a person can
work fine on a PC, I could use it
there must be means
which provide interconnection
between system objects – this is an object –
person, object – PC. Facilities,
providing interconnection between
man and computer is

7th grade________6th lesson ______ Personal computer as a system Lesson date__________
The interface can be divided into 4 groups.
If the PC showed us information
such as he sees, i.e. 101000, we
they wouldn't understand anything. Thanks to
there is a wasp, a cat. convert 101100 to the form,
familiar to us, we can normally
work on a PC.
5. Generalization of new material

PC – system – including
hardware subsystems,
information resources.
PC is a subsystem of the human system
Interconnectivity Tools
between the objects of this system,
called an interface.
The user interface is
human-computer interaction.
6. Consolidation of new material
Workbook: p. 35 No. 48
7. Test
Evaluation criteria:
13 – 049% 2
4 5070% 3
5 (7185%) 4
67 (86 – 100%) – 5

7th grade________6th lesson ______ Personal computer as a system Lesson date__________
Part 2:
Test 1
Option 1.
1. Finish
perceived by a person as a single whole is called ... "
sentence: “Any part of the surrounding reality,

2. Mark single object names:
 machine

 Moscow
 Baikal
 Pushkin A.S.

Windows XP
operating system
keyboard trainer
3. Mark operating system objects:



 file


5. Specify the relationship for the “processor and system unit” pair:
is an element of the set
included in
is a variety
is the reason
6. Mark the natural systems:
 Solar system
 football team

 mathematical language

7. Indicate the subsystems included in the “Personal Personal Hardware” system
input devices

2. Note the common object names:
 machine

 Moscow
 Baikal
 Pushkin A.S.

Windows XP
operating system
keyboard trainer
3. Label the classroom objects:



 file

is an element of the set
included in
is a variety
is the reason
7th grade________6th lesson ______ Personal computer as a system Lesson date__________
storage devices
operating system
application programs
Option 2.
Complete the sentence: “A whole, consisting of parts that are interconnected,
4. Mark the signs that may be indicated in the message about the object:
5. Specify the relationship for the pair “graphics editor and MS Paint”:
6. Mark the technical systems:
 Solar system
 football team

 mathematical language
7. Indicate the subsystems included in the “Software” system
personal computer."