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Because what happens in hair salons close contact with the client's skin and hair, it is very important to observe hygienic principles of work. All requirements are regulated by SanPin rules. The last time resolution No. 59 was issued was in 2010. However, after this time it underwent a number of additions and changes, mainly towards simplifying the requirements. We will look at the main aspects sanitary standards in hairdressing and beauty salons, which are relevant now.

For example, the resolution takes into account even such a small thing as a draft. There should be no air flows higher than 0.1 meters per second in the cabin. Air humidity is normalized to 40-60%, as well as temperature standards. In the room where clients' hair is washed, the temperature cannot be lowered below 22 degrees. But in the common room, you need to start working air conditioners, which will cool the atmosphere.

According to the director of the Alta-T company, Vladimir Averkiev, it is very important when designing and renovating a room to leave access to heating systems and microclimate equipment. So that they can be provided at any time for control, cleaning, and repair work. Vladimir also advises choosing devices with a smooth surface to make cleaning easier and faster.

Supply and exhaust ventilation must be installed in the hairdressing salon. It allows for forced air exchange with the street. This is a necessary requirement for all hair salons that employ more than three hair employees. Excluding cosmetologist and manicurist. For small beauty salons, where there are up to three hairdressers, it is not necessary to install a ventilation system. It will add about 30% of the costs to the cost of repairs. Here it is enough to ventilate the room using a window. The same rule applies to salons installed on the technical floor of residential buildings. The ventilation system must be subjected to maintenance, according to the plan specified by the manufacturer in the product passport.

Punishments for violating sanitary standards are determined by Federal Law No. 52 of 1999. The fines therein are determined by the consequences of the violations. So, for example, if this affected the health of many people (infection, poisoning), then even a prison sentence of up to 1 year is possible. In milder cases, a legal entity receives a fine of up to 20 thousand rubles, an entrepreneur up to 1000 rubles, and a private person 500-1000 rubles. A very unpleasant punishment for any businessman will be the suspension of commercial activities for up to three months.

Surprisingly, despite the severity of the punishment, problems with inspection bodies, in the middle and economy segments it is very difficult to find a beauty salon where instruments are properly disinfected. Typically, combs simply stand in a common stand and pass through a huge number of clients' heads. However, SanPin standards prescribe a lot of small instructions that should prevent any transmission of microbes.

According to the rules, all instruments are disinfected after use. Without these measures, lice can easily be transmitted in hairdressing salons. In cosmetology - skin infection, fungal diseases. HIV, hepatitis, herpes and a host of others can be transmitted in a pedicure salon dangerous viruses. Many clients do not even know that all the tools from a special package with an indicator must be printed right in front of him.

Tool processing takes place in several stages. First, they are all soaked in a disinfectant. Ethyl alcohol, chloramine, formaldehyde, carbolic acid. The concentration of the substance and the soaking time are clearly regulated. They are then stored under ultraviolet light.

If we are talking about metal instruments, they are also processed in a dry heater or a special autoclave. In a nail specialist’s office, it is recommended to store all instruments in a disinfection unit. The operation of the sterilizer is recorded in a special log.

The premises of the hairdressing salon must be thoroughly wet cleaned daily before the start of work or after its completion. In addition, routine cleaning must be carried out during the working day. Cleaning of hairdressing salons is carried out using detergents and disinfectant solutions prepared and stored in accordance with the instructions for their use. As necessary, but at least once a month, you should carry out general cleaning and close the hairdresser for a “sanitary day.”

Hairdressing salon workers must strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene and always have a neat appearance and wear clean overalls.

Before service begins, the client must be covered with a peignoir, under which an individual napkin or towel must be placed. At the end of the shift, negligees must be washed under running water using detergents.

Visitors with changes in the skin (rash, spots, peeling, etc.), nails, hair are served at the hairdresser only upon presentation of a doctor’s certificate stating that the disease is not contagious.

Serving clients affected by head lice is strictly prohibited.

Each master must have three sets of working tools.

To stop bleeding from cuts or abrasions, solutions of iodine or hydrogen peroxide are used. Disinfection of the cut site is carried out with iodine tincture.

For personal prevention purposes, employees must have an anti-HIV first aid kit, which should include the following items: 70-degree alcohol, iodine, dressing material, potassium permanganate solution, distilled water, a container for diluting potassium permanganate.

Removing cut hair from the neck or face should only be done with clean cotton wool or a napkin.

It is prohibited to use brushes for this purpose due to the lack of methods for hygienic processing.

After serving each visitor, the cut hair is collected with brushes into closed scoops directly next to the chairs and stored in sealed containers.

At the end of the working day, brushes should be washed under running water using detergents.

Clips and curlers must be mechanically cleaned of hair and periodically washed with warm water and detergents during the shift. Hair nets and perm caps must be washed after each use.

The supply of linen should be in an amount that ensures its individual use for each visitor.

The hairdressing salon should provide separate storage of clean and used linen.

In the hall, used linen is collected in containers with tight-fitting lids.

Processing of instruments after each client should be carried out in an open form in disinfection devices after pre-rinsing them under running water. When performing irradiation on one side, the instruments should be turned over to the other side after the control processing time has expired.

The treated instrument must be stored in a special container.

Hairdressers and beauty salons provide a very wide range of services. This is not surprising, since this type of service is in great demand in our daily lives, which means it is very common. That is why many entrepreneurs working in this direction have a question: what requirements for hairdressing salons must be observed in order not to become the object of constant visits from supervisory authorities.

Since August 1, 2010, Resolution No. 59 of May 18, 2010 “On approval of SanPiN” has been in force in Russia. You can familiarize yourself with the provisions of the document. This resolution describes the requirements for hairdressing and beauty salons: where the establishment can be located, what equipment should be used, what services should be provided, in what mode of operation, etc.

This resolution specifies the sanitary requirements for hairdressing and beauty salons. For example, to the maintenance of tools that are used when working with clients, what temperature is acceptable in the solarium, what information should be provided to visitors. This document also regulates the contents of a first aid kit, which must be included, what means must be used to remove cut hair from the client’s skin (individual napkins or cotton swabs are allowed, but not with a brush), etc.

How to organize a hair salon workspace in accordance with microclimate requirements

Vladimir Averkiev, director of Alta-T company

The introduced requirements for the maintenance of hairdressing salons take into account many specific parameters. Air humidity should be within normal limits - 40-60%, and air movement in the room should not exceed 0.1 m/sec. The heads of such institutions must observe strict temperature conditions: in the cold season - 21-23 degrees in the room where hairdressing services are provided, and in the warm season - 22-24 degrees.

A separate requirement for the room where hair is washed and dried is at least 22 degrees Celsius. In addition, premises where hairdressing and cosmetic services are provided must be equipped with air conditioning.

Occupational safety requirements for hairdressing and beauty salons require an average daily temperature of the outside air: cold season - from +10 C and below, warm season - +10 C and above.

To comply with indoor microclimate requirements, I advise owners of hairdressing and beauty salons to consider the following:

  1. Requirements for the equipment of hairdressing salons indicate that it is better to locate appliances for heating premises where they can be easily accessed (for inspection, repair, cleaning). Install heating devices with a smooth surface - they are much more convenient for wet cleaning.
  2. Do not use ventilation chambers for storing things or equipment - this is prohibited.
  3. The ventilation system must have a set air exchange rate and operate on a mechanical supply and exhaust principle with general exchange. Acceptable use common system ventilation for all premises, except sanitary rooms and utility rooms.
  4. For small beauty salons that have no more than three workplaces (not counting cosmetology and nail extension rooms), the sanitary requirements for hairdressing salons allow for the refusal to install a special ventilation system, and for air exchange to be carried out by ventilating the premises through windows. This also applies to hairdressers that are located in residential buildings on floors intended for commercial use.
  5. The office where a nail extension specialist works must be equipped with ventilation with forced exhaust.
  6. Such ventilation structures should be avoided when they are located parallel to rooms where there are always a lot of people, as well as above and below such rooms.
  7. The requirements for hairdressing and beauty salons dictate the use of various ventilation equipment, which must constantly undergo scheduled maintenance (this is usually specified by the manufacturer in the device passport).

What is the penalty for violating sanitary requirements?

Violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements by hair salons may entail liability, which is specified in Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population,” as well as in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 6) and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 236 ).

Penalties provided for violating sanitary requirements for the maintenance of hairdressing salons if you:

  • citizen – administrative fine of up to 500 rubles;
  • official - a fine of up to 1000 rubles;
  • individual entrepreneur - a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles or administrative suspension of commercial activities (up to 90 days);
  • legal entity – from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or administrative suspension of commercial activities (up to 90 days).

However, there are also more serious consequences. For example, if, as a result of non-compliance with the rules of SanPiN requirements for hairdressing salons, a large number of people suffered (mass illness or poisoning), then the culprit will be punished depending on the severity of the offense in the form of:

  • administrative fine (up to 80,000 rubles);
  • prohibition from holding a certain position or occupation a certain type activities (up to 3 years);
  • compulsory work (up to 180 hours);
  • correctional labor (up to 1 year);
  • imprisonment (up to 1 year).

Requirements for hairdressing tools

There are strict hygienic requirements for the maintenance of hairdressing salons and the disinfection (destruction of germs) of tools that are used during work in hairdressing and beauty salons. This is necessary to prevent the transmission of infections and diseases through them. If untreated instruments used by hairdressers or cosmetologists are used, the microbes contained on them can cause clients to develop fungal diseases, ulcers or other diseases. That is why, after each client, all instruments must be properly disinfected.

Many products have been created that are used for disinfection and meet the requirements for hairdressing and beauty salons. For the most part, they are based on the content of substances such as ethyl alcohol, chloramine, formalin and carbolic acid. The amount of disinfectant, its concentration, and intensity of use depend on which instruments you are going to use the product for (for example, what material it is made of).

  1. Chloramine. It has a crystalline structure and easily dissolves in water. The color of the substance ranges from white to yellowish. Used in the form of an aqueous solution containing 0.5% chloramine (5 grams of substance per liter of warm water). Instruments made of nylon, perlon, plastic and other synthetic materials must be immersed in a container with such a solution for at least 15 minutes. Hygienic requirements for hairdressing salons state that the liquid must be changed every 5 days.
  2. Formalin. Typically used to disinfect new brushes. To do this, an aqueous solution is prepared based on formaldehyde in the ratio: 40 ml of the substance per 1 liter of water. Formalin has a sharp, specific odor and is colorless (transparent).
  3. Ethanol. It has a strength of 70 degrees. But this figure decreases over time. And since it is the alcohol strength that promotes disinfection, this indicator should be checked. This can be done in a simple way– just moisten a cotton swab with it and set it on fire (if it burns, then the strength is sufficient for disinfection). As a rule, this drug is used to disinfect metal instruments by immersion in it. If it is not possible to change ethyl alcohol every day (the norm is to change the product every three days), then it is necessary to filter it through a thick layer of gauze or cotton wool at the end of each working day. By the way, the requirements for hairdressing services determine the consumption of the substance for each client - at least 1 gram.
  4. Carbolic acid (phenol). The substance has a crystalline structure, the particles of which are colorless, but under the influence of external factors (light, moisture, oxygen) acquires a pink tint. Metal instruments (razors, scissors) are disinfected in phenol. To do this, you need to create a solution containing 50 grams of carbolic acid per liter of water. This substance is not used often because it spoils the instrument (it has a detrimental effect on the nickel plating of the metal) and has a pungent odor.

Most often, modern hairdressing salons use chloramine solution and ethyl alcohol for disinfection. They cope well with basic functions, meet the requirements for hairdressing and beauty salons, are widely used, do not damage the instrument and are relatively safe.

Fire safety requirements for hairdressing salons

In terms of fire safety, there are various standards and requirements for hairdressing and beauty salons, which are determined depending on each specific premises or enterprise (type of activity, presence of a fire alarm, fire water supply, etc.). This determines what package of documents the owner of the organization needs to have.

An approximate list of documents that are responsible for fire safety requirements for hairdressing salons:

  1. Order from the head of the enterprise on the fire safety regime.
  2. Regulations regulating the organization, operating procedures, requirements for the design and equipment of hairdressing salons to prevent fire hazards.
  3. Regulations regulating the procedure for training and certification of enterprise employees in fire safety.
  4. Introductory fire safety briefing (developed program)
  5. Primary fire safety briefing (developed program)
  6. Instructions regulating fire safety measures. If the enterprise has rooms with a high level of fire hazard, then such instructions should be for each such room.
  7. Instructions for an employee whose duties include responsibility for fire safety.
  8. An order confirming the introduction at the enterprise of all instructions that relate to fire safety measures.
  9. An order that regulates the conduct of theoretical and practical training for employees (briefings, evacuation training in the event of a fire alarm).
  10. An order prescribing the rules for the use of electric heating devices in the premises and the organization of smoking in the enterprise (if necessary).
  11. An order defining the procedure for de-energizing electrical appliances and equipment (both on normal days and in the event of a fire).
  12. An order regulating the behavior of employees in the event of a fire being detected at an enterprise.
  13. An order from the manager, which indicates the person responsible for the primary fire extinguishing means (provision, maintenance and repair, readiness for use).
  14. Order approving the List of acts at the enterprise for organizing fire safety.

There is an order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 645 dated December 12, 2007 “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations”, which determines the conduct of briefings at the enterprise (introductory, primary, unscheduled, repeated, targeted). Required condition the presence of signatures of those who carry out it (instructing) and those who are familiar with it (instructed) is indicated in a special logbook.

The fire safety briefing must contain the following points:

  1. Rules mandatory for all employees of the organization on the necessary maintenance of buildings and structures of the enterprise, adjacent territories, requirements for hairdressing premises, diagram of evacuation routes, water supply (both external and internal), special systems responsible for fire warning. As well as rules for organizing the evacuation of workers and visitors.
  2. Necessary fire safety measures taking into account the type of activity of a particular enterprise (fire hazardous work, facilities, production).
  3. Actions of employees to prevent fire hazardous situations during the use of technological equipment, operation of buildings and structures, and when carrying out work associated with the risk of fire.
  4. Instructions for working with open fire.
  5. Instructions for organizing employee actions during a fire (use technical means fire extinguishing, installation of fire safety systems, calling special services to eliminate fires).

There are several types of fire safety briefings:

  • introductory;
  • primary;
  • repeated;
  • target;
  • unscheduled.

They differ in nature and timing.

Introductory – organized and conducted by the head of the enterprise (or the person who is responsible for ensuring the protection of the enterprise from fires). At this briefing, employees are introduced to fire safety requirements for hairdressing salons, fire safety rules using special visual aids and educational literature. Activities are also carried out to practice the necessary actions in case of fire and the knowledge of employees is tested for the ability to use by special means fire extinguishing and fire protection systems.

Primary – is carried out individually with each employee of the enterprise in order to provide him with theoretical and practical knowledge about actions in case of fire (the ability to use fire extinguishing equipment, providing assistance to victims, evacuation instructions). This information is contained in Order No. 645 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (clause 19) dated December 12, 2007.

Repeated - is carried out to test the knowledge and skills of all employees of the enterprise - instructions, rules, fire requirements for hairdressing salons, evacuation plans, skills in handling fire extinguishing systems, etc.

Unscheduled - organized by the manager or person responsible for fire safety, depending on the goals, objectives, and reasons that prompted the need for this instruction.

The target is a total thematic test of the enterprise’s employees on the knowledge of all existing and adopted measures, instructions, norms, rules and standards for fire safety in the organization (with the development of practical skills).

  • Requirements for labor protection in beauty salons for managers

How does fire safety training work?

According to clause 2.Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 645 dated December 12, 2007, responsibility for the availability of knowledge and skills in fire safety among employees lies not only with the administrative persons of the institution (manager, individual entrepreneur), but also with employees who enter into an employment contract with this beauty salon, and, in turn, must comply with fire regulations for hairdressing salons.

The manager of the beauty salon or the person responsible for fire safety appointed by order (instruction) of the manager is responsible (and conducted) for conducting introductory training on fire safety at the enterprise (clause 12 of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 No. 645 “Training in fire safety measures employees of the organization").

The responsibility of the manager (or the person responsible for fire safety) is to conduct induction training.

Initial briefing and repeated briefing are the responsibility of the responsible person, who is appointed by order of the head of the organization. (clause 12 of order No. 645 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007)

The amount of time allotted for each briefing is determined by the relevant program approved at the enterprise (clause 14 of the above law).

Mandatory induction training must be carried out for all employees who are hired (no matter their work experience, education or the presence of similar skills and knowledge), as well as for those employees who work seasonally. This rule also applies to trainees who study at the enterprise. In addition, other employees or citizens may be involved in induction training if there is an order from the manager (clause 11).

With all persons who are hired or involved (transferred) to perform a new activity for them, as well as with seasonal workers, students and interns, primary fire safety training and fire requirements for hairdressing salons is carried out directly at the workplace (clause 16).

Repeated fire safety training must be carried out at least once a year.

What to write in the fire safety briefing log

A special journal, which takes into account all fire safety instructions, must be of a certain type and comply with the requirements established in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of training on fire requirements for hairdressing salons is to instill in employees the knowledge and skills that may be required in the event of a fire, as well as to convey to employees the rules for preventing fire hazards. Therefore, those employees who have not undergone such instructions cannot be allowed to perform their work duties. Indeed, in addition to introducing them to the enterprise equipment and the rules of their operation, employees receive knowledge about preventing fires during their work and the rules of behavior if a fire situation occurs. All this must be registered in a special journal, as well as notes on the conduct of certain briefings (with the obligatory signatures of all officials).

Responsibility for failure to comply with fire regulations in a hairdressing salon

You must know the documents that stipulate the requirements for the need to conduct fire safety training, as well as to keep a logbook - Art. 20.4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Violation of fire safety requirements.”

In case of violation of established fire safety requirements, the guilty person faces a warning or an administrative fine (except for the cases specified in Article 8.32 and Parts 3-8 of Article 11.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • for citizens – a fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • for officials – a fine from 6 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities– from 150 to 200 thousand rubles.

If illegal actions committed under special fire conditions, then in this case the amount of the administrative fine increases:

  • for citizens – from 2 to 4 thousand rubles;
  • for officials – from 15 to 30 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities – from 400 to 500 thousand rubles.

To open such an establishment as a beauty salon, you will have to solve a number of pressing problems, namely: find premises, draw up a business model, decide what level of prices and services will prevail in your establishment, and also obtain a lot of permits and documents. And in this case, you should know the SES standards for a beauty salon. Because this service not only regulates work, but is also an inspection body that monitors violations and is even capable of revoking a license.
The number of standards for your establishment will significantly depend on what services you intend to include in your business plan. Will it be just a hairdressing salon providing cosmetic services or will it carry out serious medical procedures. Activities related to medicine are subject to licensing. To resolve this issue, it will be necessary to interact with Rospotrebnadzor.
You should also keep in mind that a state fee is charged to obtain many documents.

SES requirements for a beauty salon

To start carrying out activities, it is important to study a number of requirements prescribed in SanPin; they are designed to regulate activities and exercise control.

SES requirements for a beauty salon are divided into those that apply to the premises and those that determine the level of service provision.
For example, before opening, you need to decide on the organizational and legal form, that is, it will be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC.
Next come the OKVED codes, which determine the types of activities carried out in the salon; they must be registered in advance. This document is needed by the tax service and you can do it yourself or entrust it to a responsible person (lawyer). Adding codes in the future will not be subject to tax.
Services provided by salons are divided into:

  1. Household (hairdressing and cosmetic);
  2. Medical (for which a medical license is required);
  3. Cosmetology services.
A very important part is the requirements specified in SanPin regarding the design of the interior itself:
  • Basements or those that were once apartments (that is, previously belonged to the housing stock) are not suitable for carrying out activities;
  • The premises must be equipped with sewerage and its own internal water supply;
  • Isolated ventilation ducts (not belonging to residential or public institutions);
  • Paper wallpaper is not installed in treatment rooms.

SES check of a beauty salon

When checking the SES for a beauty salon, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the key points, the violation of which is a strict non-compliance with the norm:
  • For equipment and Supplies there must be appropriate certification, passports, and registration notices;
  • The devices used must be approved by the Ministry of Health;
  • Devices with warranty agreements are allowed to operate;
  • Qualification is important for the staff themselves, especially if medical services are provided;
  • It is also mandatory to provide medical records of all employees;
  • There must be agreements for garbage and waste removal with the fire and sanitary services.
You can enter into an agreement with the sanitary service for the long term. That is, all necessary procedures will be carried out according to the preventive maintenance schedule.
The Dez Group company is multidisciplinary and provides various services in the sanitary field. Starting from disinfection, deratization and disinfestation, and ending with the elimination of unpleasant odors and mold. Cooperation with the Dez Group sanitary service will free up time and solve a lot of issues related to prevention.

SES documents for a beauty salon

The conclusion of the SES for a beauty salon is issued after submitting documents to Rospotrebnadzor.
But before that, you need to take care of installing a fire alarm and obtaining documents from fire control services.
It is important for employees to provide appropriate working conditions. This concerns the illumination of the workplace, the creation of a comfortable atmosphere (microclimate) and the presence of sewerage, ventilation, water supply and even interior decoration. Non-toxic materials and certified (original) equipment must be used.

A separate point is the contract between the SES and the beauty salon.
The fact is that the removal and disposal of some waste requires special conditions. For example, medical waste is sorted separately from hair or fluorescent lamps.

Only after the premises meet all standards and all the SES documents for the beauty salon are available, will it be possible to provide services without obstacles and complications in the future.

SES permit for a beauty salon

How to get permission from the SES for a beauty salon?
To do this, you need to submit a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor and after that a sanitary certificate is issued. This provides assurance to customers that the conditions and products used in the salon are safe and meet operating standards.

Some types of activities require additional permission from the SES for a beauty salon. Moreover, due to constantly changing legislative acts, it is quite difficult to ensure that each service provided has a SES permit for a beauty salon. However, this is necessary, since the image of the salon may suffer, even after the planned inspection by the security services. For the first time, fines may be imposed, and repeated violations may result in more serious consequences.